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Dark Sacrifice (3.5e Variant Rule)

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{{#set:Summary=A replacement to for the BoVD sacrifice rules..}}
== Dark Sacrifice ==
This rule is more or less a remake of the sacrifice rules found in [[Publication:Book of Vile Darkness|Book of Vile Dorkness]]. Firstly , a dark sacrifice is usually performed by a cleric or priest in order to garner the service of a dark deity, elder evil , or a fiend lord in a ceremony that last lasts for at least 1 full hour.
A dark sacrifice either require requires a [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (Religion), [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (The Planes) , or [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (Dungeoneering) check , based on the entity the sacrifice is made to. The sacrifice must be performed in a way that reflect reflects the entity in question. For example, by example if you make a sacrifice to [[Juiblex (3.5e Monster)|juiblexJuiblex]] , feeding the victim to an ooze it is a perfectly valid way to perform the sacrifice.
{| class="zebra d20"
| +1 || class="left" | For each extra hour to the Ceremony, to a maximum of +5.
| +2 || class="left" | If conducted in front of a creature important to the entity (a outsider servant by , for example).
| +2 || class="left" | If conducted during a period of time important to the entity (dusk, a certain date , or a certain day of the week).
| +2/+4 || class="left" | If conducted within a desecrated/unhallowed area.
| +1 || class="left" | If the victim is good-aligned.
| +1 || class="left" | If the victim is the cleric of a an opposed deity.
| +1 || class="left" | If the victim is of a kind (race, class, etc.) particularly hated by the deity.
| +1 || class="left" | If the victim is a virgin (of course!)
| +1|| class="left" | Victim offer offers itself to the entity (either by being duped, mind-controlled , or genuinely willing).
| +3 || class="left" | At least one participant has [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|dark insight]] of 5 or more.
| +4 || class="left" | At least one participant has the sacrificial mastery feat.
| +5 || class="left" | At least one participant has the [[Forbidden Knowledge (3.5e Feat)|forbidden knowledge]] feat and incur incurs wisdom [[SRD:Ability Burn|burn ]] as part of the ritual.
| +* || class="left" | If the victim is personally hated by the entity (bonus varies, can go as high as +20).
| -−10 || class="left" | Victim isn't sentient (additionally , the total sacrifice roll is capped at 15).
The sacrifice is only completed once the victim has been killed, if there is any interruption during the ritual , the total roll is made with a -−8 penalty. This can cause a sacrifice to be annulled for the merest accident or disturbance, ; better to delay it a bit than angering anger the entity with a botched ceremony. After the ceremony is completed , every active participant rolls the appropriate check, using the highest among them to determine the reward. Any choice in the reward is decided by vote of each participant , with the one who rolled highest as the tie breaker.
Other penalties and bonus bonuses may apply to the sacrifice roll (up to the DM), identifying . Identifying a unfavorable condition require requires a DC 15 knowledge check.
{| class="zebra d20"
! DC || class="left" | Result
| 0 or Lower || class="left" | As 1, plus the entity is insulted and send sends forth minions to punish the blasphemer (EL 6).
| 1 || class="left" | All participant to participants in the ceremony take 1d6 vile damages damage and a -−1 penalty on all d20 roll rolls for 24 hours.
| 10 || class="left" | No Result
| 25 || class="left" | One Lesser Effect or two Least Effects
| 40 || class="left" | One Greater Effect or two Lesser Effects or three Least EffectEffects
| 50 || class="left" | As DC 40 or a single [[SRD:Limited Wish|''limited wish'']]. If the limited wish is chosen , the DC of this effect increase increases forevermore by 5 for all creature creatures who participated in the sacrifice.
=== Sacrifice Effects ===
When a sacrifice is well -made , the entity reward it rewards its followers, sometime sometimes generously. Some of the effect effects below are vague and their full extend extent is up for to the DM.
==== Least Effects ====
''Abundance and Prosperity:'' Servants of the entity gather food and wealth for the participant or a group of their choosing.
''Dark Artisan:'' The entity help helps in the creation of one or more magic item items worth 100 gp in total, ; the item radiate radiates evil instead of it its proper magical aura.
''Evil Sickness:'' A single creature of the participant's choice is struct struck by a [[SRD:Contagion|''contagion'']] spell (DC 20).
''Natural Divination:'' The entity show sign shows signs of the future to the participant, once . Once in the next 24 hours , each participant may observe natural phenomenons to gain an insight bonus on a single skill or ability check equal to his or her [[charisma]] modifier. Using this ability require requires 10 minutes of study and must be used within the next hour.
''Protection:'' The participant participants are protected as per [[SRD:Protection from Evil|protection from alignment]] (with an alignment of their choice) for 1 hour.
==== Lesser Effects ====
''Call Servant:'' The entity send sends one of it servant its servants with a CR equal or lower than highest CR among the participants, ; the servant's initial's attitude is friendly with the participant but not under their control. This is a [calling] effect.
''Dark Insight:'' One creature designated by the participant gain gains a [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|dark insight]] score of 0 if it didn't had have a dark isnight insight score , or increase it increases its [[Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)|dark insight]] score by 2 (once per creature only).
''Dreamer's Insight:'' The entity send sends a vision of the participant's wishes to a creature or group of creature creatures through a [[SRD:Dream|''dream'']].
''Vision:'' One creature designated by the participant receive receives a [[SRD:Divination|''divination'']] and [[SRD:Vision|''vision'']] (caster level 20th) and take takes 1d10 point points of [[wisdom]] [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]]. If it its [[wisdom]] reach 0 because of it ability this burn, the creature die dies horribly and messily. If the creature can't take [[wisdom]] burn , the request failfails.
==== Greater Effects ====
''Call Avatar:'' As call servant , except the creature's CR is not limited to the CR of the participant. The called creature is typically of a CR no higher than 15 , but sometime sometimes the entity may make an exception and send a stronger or weaker creature. The entity itself or other creature with a CR of 21 or higher cannot be called with this ability .
''Call Multiple Servants:'' As call servant , except you can call a number of creature who creatures whose total CR is equal or lower than the highest CR among the participants.
''Dreamer's Demand:'' As dreamer's insight , except it also carry carries an [[Insidious Suggestion (3.5e Spell)|''insidious suggestion'']] to follow the message (DC 20).
''Malediction:'' A single creature of the participant's choice is struct struck by a [[SRD:Bestow Curse|''bestow curse'']] spell.
''Weather Control:'' As per [[SRD:Control Weather|''control weather'']] as a druid with the same caster level as the creature with the highest CR in among the participantparticipants.

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