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Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability

29 bytes added, 00:00, 30 November 2015
Grammar check
|The above rapport options reflect a personal relationship with another creature. The actions of any particular creature towards you are going to be strongly influenced by their intelligence level and their alignment in addition to their rapport with you. A helpful evil character may still stab you, and a murderous good one may still stop you from being stabbed. A helpful chaotic character may go out of their way to make your life interesting, even when you don’t want it to be, while a hateful lawful character may bend the rules to worsen otherwise trivial bureaucratic roadblocks for you. In short, these rapport values help determine what the creature does within the bounds of their temperament and duty towards you, not determine their actions towards you universally or reflect the actions they are taking against you right now.
Similarly, creatures that don’t have a personal relationship with you don’t necessarily have a rapport that matches up with the actions they’re taking against you. Just because a creature attacks you on sight does not mean that their rapport with you is murderous, especially if they've never met you before. It is much more likely that they have standing orders to fire at those who cross the border, that they’re evil and they felt like picking on you, that they’re a brigand trying to rob you to make a living, or some other “business as usual” reason. And in each of these cases, their rapport ''with you'' would likely be neutral indifferent or unfriendly. If there happens to be a strong racial enmity between your race and theirs, their rapport with you ''might'' be hateful. But they are ''extremely'' unlikely to be murderous towards you, as the emotions that power a hate stalker are very focused.
As a general rule, you should expect bandits to be indifferent, guards defending their home from armed invaders to be unfriendly, racial enemies with long-standing feuds to be hateful, and only the poor barkeep that you personally drove over the edge when you ruined their life (intentionally or otherwise) to be murderous. These rapport values allow you to use these skill abilities to talk yourself out of fights and make friends of those who would be your enemy because of circumstance as opposed to personal reasons. Remember, when it comes to rapport, the question your DM should be asking is “how does this creature feel about the character” and not “what is this creature doing to the character”.}}
====Check Modifiers====
! Condition !! Check Modifier
| Rushing a 10 minute action to a 1 minute action || align="center" | −10
| Rushing a 1 minute action to a 5 round action || align="center" | −5

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