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An added effect of all this is that when the shield is placed on the water, it can be used as a surfboard and moreover adheres strongly to the surface of any salt water, granting a movement speed of 60 feet while surfing and a +10 enhancement bonus to [[SRD:Balance Skill|Balance]] checks in order to maintain balance while surfing. It is possible to hustle and run while using a Radical Crest's surf speed.
The Radical Crest generates a constant weak ''[[SRD:Control Weather|control weather]]'' effect within a radius of 5 miles that promotes clear skies and creates favourable offshore wind. When inland, this radius shrinks to 1 mile, but following the wind direction created by the Radical Crest allows the wielder to find his way to the nearest body of salt water. The weather controlling effect is fairly weak, to the point that extreme can be easily disrupted by strong weather phenomena like heavy storms rainstorms and hurricanes can disrupt it, as can well as stronger magical effects that control the weather.
Prerequisites: [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]], ''[[SRD:Control Water|control water]]'', ''[[SRD:Control Weather|control weather]]'', ''[[SRD:Grease|grease]]''. [[SRD:Caster Level|Caster level]] 11th.<br/>