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Pyromaniac - variant (3.5e Class)

25 bytes added, 00:22, 8 December 2019
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==Pyromaniac (variant)==
<big><font color="red">This a derivative work, based on [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun's]] awesome class, the [[Pyromaniac (3.5e Class)|Pyromaniac]]. The vast majority of the work is his. (As is a very large percentage of the work on this site.)</font></big>
Fire: the most primal of elements, both there and not, energy and source of heat, life, and death alike... fire is a complex thing. For some, fire is a fearful thing; for others, it is useful and a symbol of progress, for still others. it a holy thing, burning away evil. For other pyromaniacs, they have fallen in love with fire, perhaps beyond what is healthy. They've honed their magical or psionic abilities and focused it on one thing and one thing alone: to bring their beautiful flame to all things.

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