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Natural Magic (4e Sorcerer Variant)

No change in size, 19:37, 27 February 2010
Natural Magic
'''Natural Power:''' You gain a {{I}}bonuses and penalties|bonus]] to the {{I}}damage roll|damage rolls]] of {{I}}arcane power source|arcane powers]] equal to either your {{I}}ability scores|dexterity]] {{I}}ability modifiers|modifier]] or {{I}}ability scores|intelligence]] {{I}}ability modifiers|modifier]]. The bonus increases to either your {{I}}ability scores|dexterity]] {{I}}ability modifiers|modifier]] +2 or {{I}}ability scores|intelligence]] {{I}}ability modifiers|modifier]] +2 at 11th level and either your {{I}}ability scores|dexterity]] {{I}}ability modifiers|modifier]] +4 or {{I}}ability scores|intelligence]] {{I}}ability modifiers|modifier]] +4 at 21st level. You choose the {{I}}ability scores|ability score]] this ability is based on at 1st level. This choice remains throughout your character's life and cannot be changed.
'''Arcane Soul:''' Choose a damage type: {{I}}Acid|Acidacid]], {{I}}cold|cold]], {{I}}fire|fire]], {{I}}force|force]], {{I}}necrotic|necrotic]], {{I}}Poison|Poisonpoison]], {{I}}Psychic|psychic]], {{I}}Radiant|radiant]] or {{I}}thunder|thunder]]. You gain {{I}}resist|resist]] 5 to that damage type. The resistance increases to 10 at 11th level and 15 at 21st level.<br>
Your {{I}}arcane power source|arcane powers]] ignore any target's {{I}}resist|resistance]] to that damage type up to the value of your resistance.

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