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Nobody Shift (3.5e Feat)

54 bytes removed, 02:10, 10 July 2010
|name=Nobody Shift
|summary= The only known [[Nobody (3.5e_Race)|Nobody]] with this ability is Xemnas, leader Alters the physical make-up of Organization XIII. It was implied by Axel that a Nobody types could be changed when he said that Xemnas had the power to change him into a Duskdifferent type of lower Nobody. This |benefit=You gain an ability functions like similar to Alter Self, except you choose your form from the Nobody list provided, this . This effect lasts for 1 min./per level. When transformed your armor and weaponry are replaced, and you cannot use items until the effect has worn off, everything else about you remains the same. At every 4th level after the Nobody You may use this ability an additional once per day, plus one time per day4 levels.
[[File:NobodyTable.JPG | thumb | right | Lower Nobodies ]]
 |prereqs= [[Nobody (3.5e_Race)|Nobody]] Level 4|benefit= Alters the physical make-up of a Nobody into a different type of lower Nobody.|special= Acts as Alter Self spell.
The only known [[Nobody (3.5e_Race)|Nobody]] with this ability is Xemnas, leader of Organization XIII. It was implied by Axel that Nobody types could be changed when he said that Xemnas had the power to change him into a Dusk.
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