Talk:Magekiller, Tome (3.5e Feat)

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RatedOppose.png Surgo opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
I feel that Races of War (and subsequent Tome classes) have given us fighters and abilities such that they are capable of competing with spellcasters just fine. Therefore, I do not feel that something designed to entirely hose this group's entire class feature, and do it in a fashion that is pretty much entirely binary, is appropriate.

The +0 ability is insanely powerful for its level. Mage Slayer works because it doesn't even get that until 6. In general though, the difference between the two feats is pretty stark: Mages at least have a chance to fight back against something with Mage Slayer, whereas with Magekiller it's just pointless. (Mage Slayer also adds a bit of utility, which greatly improves my feelings about the feat.)


Some of this is a bit big. Getting the ability to ignore pretty much any magical defense against attack rolls at level 1? No limit to the number of times a round someone can be effected by the level 16 ability? Surgo 19:48, September 30, 2009 (UTC)

Changed it a bit. How'sat look now? --Ghostwheel 00:02, October 1, 2009 (UTC)