Talk:Nerubian Spider Queen (3.5e Prestige Class)

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To my great regret, it was difficult to write classes for Nerubian because of the confusion created by the contradictory explanations given in many moments by the Blizzard development team, and by the fact that different versions of the mechanics of various types of Nerubian are available in various games devoted to the WarCraft Universe.

Nerubian Spider Queens is a real mystery in this respect because the only in-game implementation of this type of Nerubians we saw in WC3 and since then a lot of story information has been given indicating that the earliest incarnation of Spider Queen does not need to be perceived as really reflecting its specificity, ability or even appearance.

This class I had to write, based on my own knowledge about the life of collective insects having a queen, as well as on the plot information about Nerubian Spider Queens, which is quite a lot. In fact, as with other prestige classes of Nerubian written by me, this cannot be called a replace, since we are not given a сonsistency and canonical version of mechanics that could be conveyed - it's only a work done on the grounds of the existing fragmentary image, but I would like to believe, that such an option for the realization of this type of Nerubian is entirely possible and corresponds to the spirit and meaning of the race.

What I really need is that someone looks at the final figures and their adequacy, it is difficult for me to imagine how the class is ultimately balanced in terms of a quantitative increase in the power of abilities, and I would like to comment on this.