Wrapsodi Skuttla, Malicious Potion-Maker (3.5e Vestige)/Influence
While she was alive, Wrapsodi loved committing random acts of spite just for the sheer thrill of getting away with committing horrible crimes. As a vestige, she is no different. Whenever you encounter a creature, roll a d20. On a result of 4 or 5, Wrapsodi compels you to do something annoying to that creature, such as messing up its hair or pulling down its pants; such an act could invite retaliation from someone with a short fuse, but most people would shrug it off. On a result of 2 or 3, Wrapsodi compels you to do something severe enough to warrant retribution or demands for reparations (or at least a severe scolding), such as shoving someone into a mud puddle or scribbling rude graffiti on their clothing. On a result of 1, Wrapsodi compels you to do something so incredibly heinous that it'll certainly get you detained or worse if you're caught, such as tripping a horse pulling a carriage down a crowded street (therefore causing a massive pile-up that injures several people) or stabbing a pregnant woman in the gut (and murdering her baby in the process). You only need to make this roll once per minute at most, even if you're in an incredibly crowded area.
If the binder in question is a PC, the player is encouraged to come up with a misdeed to perform, but the DM has the final say on what the compulsion is (to make sure it meets the minimum severity requirement of the d20 roll). Despite the use of the word "compel" in the previous paragraph, it is possible to hold oneself back from committing a misdeed with a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your effective binder level + your Charisma modifier), though succeeding on the save counts as a violation of Wrapsodi's influence and will cause you to suffer a −1 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the pact ends. Wrapsodi will never require you to commit acts of random mayhem upon creatures you know very well and are exceptionally fond of (such as party members, close friends, your spouse, your siblings, your children, your pets, etc.); you don't even have to make the d20 roll. (However, "exceptionally fold of" is in the previous sentence for a reason; all bets are off if you happen to dislike that person.)
[In life, Wrapsodi had enough self-restraint to not get herself run out of every single town she entered within an hour of getting there, but as a vestige, she knows that her binder, not her, will take the fall for her shenanigans, so why not have some fun? Yes, she's a colossal jerk, to put it lightly.]