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Bone Shaping (3.5e Variant Rule)

Revision as of 18:42, 25 August 2020 by TheWolman2112 (talk | contribs) (Some adventurers are exceptionally skilled at using monster parts to create and augment weapons and armor. this rule is meant for use with the Bone Shaper Class.)
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Author: TheWolfman2112 (talk)
Date Created: 08/24/2020
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Bone ShapingEdit

This variant rule is meant to be used with the Bone Shaper Class, but can also be used to incentivize or reward players for skinning and otherwise looting monster parts from their fights. This is not a fully comprehensive list of what each part can do, if you or your player comes up with other, creative ways to use these parts, then go wild!

What Parts Can DoEdit

Bones- Bones are a versatile, durable, and generally strong and sturdy material. They can be used to make lightweight, albeit slightly more brittle weapons and armor. They can also be made into tools and other useful gadgets, up to GM discretion.

Chitin- Chitin plating is very useful for making heavier armor or sturdy shields. They are best used as a base for a shield, or added on to a piece of bone armor to increase the protection it affords.

Claws- Claws can be used to make serrated edges for blades, small blades like daggers (Depending on the size of the claws), or even armor spikes.

Fangs- Fangs can be used in many of the same ways as claws, although if the fangs come from a venomous creature, they may also be used to carry and apply poisons during attacks.

Feathers- Feathers are generally used for decorative purposes, although if they come from a creature with magical feathers, such as a phoenix, this may add magical effects to the equipment.

Furs- Fur can be used to make cloaks, line armor for warmth, or for other decorative purposes. Furs can also be scraped and tanned to create leathers.

Skulls- Skulls make for very good bases for helmets, and depending on the monster that the skull came from, it could even provide a bonus to Intimidation checks made with the helmet on.

Spines- Spines can be strung together using dried sinews and other rope or string-like materials to create more flexible objects, like whips.

Talons- Talons are normally claws that developed to be larger and more deadly than the other claws on the same foot (in the case of monsters who have one large talon on each foot), or talons are commonly found on birds of prey, or other creatures with bird-like feet. They can be used in many of the same ways as claws or fangs, but are often curved or bent halfway down, allowing for you to make weapons like kukri or really deadly boomerangs, or curved tools out of them.


Scales get their own category because they are unique in that they have many, many possible additions that they could provide to a piece of armor or shield that they are added to. Whether it be dragon scales, in which case you might add resistance to that dragon's element to the equipment, or the scales of a Shadowscale lizardfolk, which might provide a bonus to stealth checks made in shadowy conditions or darker.

The effects of adding scales to armor and shields are very heavily dependent on how powerful the DM wants their player's items to be. Armor that gives resistance to an element is a very powerful item that might not fit very well into the kind of campaign you are running, or it could be exactly what your players need. You know your campaign better than any rule ever could, this is meant to be used to inspire more creativity in how monster parts are used.

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