Canon:Dragon Highlords

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During the War of the Lance, the Dragonarmies of Takhisis were split into five great armies, representing each of the chromatic wyrm clans. Presiding over each of the armies was a Dragon Highlord, who oversaw all the military operations and command. The Highlords answered only to Ariakas (who had risen to the rank of Emperor) and to the dark queen Takhisis herself.

The Highlords were Dragonarmy officers who had risen through the ranks by whatever means necessary. Amongst their number were clerics, wizards, warriors and rogues. The Highlords were the generals of the armies and were served directly by the Highmasters, who were their lieutenants and aides.

At any one time, there were only five Dragon Highlords.

The Dragon Highlords[edit]

  • Maldeev, the first Highlord of the Black Dragonarmy
  • Lucien of Takar, became Highlord of the Black Dragonarmy after Maldeevs' death

  • Kartilann of Khur, Highlord of the Blue Dragonarmy during the early stages of the War of the Lance
  • Kitiara Uth Matar, became Highlord of the Blue Dragonarmy after Kartilann's death

  • Unknown, the first Highlord of the Green Dragonarmy
  • Salah-Khan, became Highlord of the Green Dragonarmy after the death of the first Green Highlord
  • Hullek Skullsmasher, became Highlord of the Green Dragonarmy after Salah-Khan's death

  • Duulket Ariakas, the first Highlord of the Red Dragonarmy
  • Phair Caron, became Highlord of the Red Dragonarmy after Duulket Ariakas became Emperor
  • Verminaard of Nidus, became Highlord of the Red Dragonarmy after Phair Caron's death.
  • Rugoheras, became Highlord of the Red Dragonarmy after Verminaard's death
  • Karalas, became Highlord of the Red Dragonarmy after Rugoheras death and several years of infighting

  • Feal-Thas, the first Highlord of the White Dragonarmy
  • Fewmaster Toede, became Highlord of the White Dragonarmy after Fael-Thas' death
  • Barbarossa, became Highlord of the White Dragonarmy after Toede's death

  • Merinsaard, Dragon Highlord of unclear assignment killed before the War of the Lance[1]

Marcus Cadrio took over the duties of Highlord of the Black Dragon Armies after the death of Lucien of Takar, however out of respect to Lucien, Cadrio never took the title of Highlord and ruled his army as a Highmaster instead.

The title of Emperor of Ansalon was given to the human mage Ariakas. He held his position until Tanis Half-Elven, with the help of the now black robed mage Raistlin Majere, struck him down when the dark queen herself was to enter the mortal plane through her temple in Neraka.


  1. Jump up Paul B. Thompson, Tonya R. Carter (28 September 1989). Darkness and Light. (Novel) TSR. ISBN 0-14-012631-7.

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