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  • ===Ability Score Loss ([[SRD:Su|Su]])=== ...([[SRD:Ability Damage|ability damage]]) or permanent ([[SRD:Ability Drain|ability drain]]).
    4 KB (682 words) - 06:35, 11 August 2009
  • ===Ability Burn=== This is a special form of [[SRD:Ability Damage|ability damage]] that cannot be magically or psionically healed. It is caused by th
    372 bytes (53 words) - 06:32, 11 August 2009
  • ===Ability Damaged===]]. [[SRD:Ability Damage|Ability damage]] is different from penalties to ability scores, which go away when the conditions causing them go away.
    887 bytes (122 words) - 17:06, 8 October 2015
  • ===Ability Drained=== ...[[SRD:Ability Score Loss|permanently lost]] 1 or more [[SRD:Ability Scores|ability score]] points. The character can regain these points only through magical
    711 bytes (92 words) - 17:09, 8 October 2015
  • Each ability partially describes your character and affects some of his or her actions. When an ability score changes, all attributes associated with that score change accordingly
    8 KB (702 words) - 20:05, 1 December 2015
  • {{SRD Divine Ability Footer}}
    679 bytes (106 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ..., or [[SRD:Energy Drained|energy drain]]. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores ([[SRD:Strength|Strength]], [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]], and [[SRD:C {{SRD Divine Ability Footer}}
    2 KB (306 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ...ifier + the deity’s divine rank) or be forced to act unpredictably. This ability works like a ''[[SRD:Confusion|confusion]] ''spell cast by a [[SRD:Sorcerer {{SRD Divine Ability Footer}}
    649 bytes (102 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ...l Ability|supernatural ability]], or divine ability. A deity can have this ability multiple times, and its effects stack. {{SRD Divine Ability Footer}}
    1 KB (204 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ...|class]] feature and 10th level in the [[SRD:Class|class]] that grants the ability, [[SRD:Knowledge Domain|Knowledge domain]]. {{SRD Divine Ability Footer}}
    846 bytes (126 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • This is an [[SRD:Extraordinary Ability|extraordinary ability]]. ...e ability, [[SRD:Shapechange (Divine Ability)|Shapechange]] salient divine ability.
    1 KB (191 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ...ility|supernatural ability]] to converse with the specified creature. This ability works like a permanent ''[[SRD:Speak with Animals|speak with animals]] ''or '''Notes:''' A deity can have this ability multiple times, choosing a different type of creature each time.
    610 bytes (94 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ...y]], [[SRD:Arcane Mastery (Divine Ability)|Arcane Mastery]] salient divine ability. '''Benefit:''' This ability works like a [[SRD:Cleric|cleric’s]] ability to cast ''[[SRD:Cure|cure]] ''spells spontaneously, except that it applies
    872 bytes (122 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ...s movement is doubled on the local or overland scales. Also, having this ability means that the deity’s height does not limit the distance it can jump. {{SRD Divine Ability Footer}}
    673 bytes (111 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ...s [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] modifier. An item remains vulnerable to this ability for up to one day after being used against the deity. {{SRD Divine Ability Footer}}
    619 bytes (100 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • This is an [[SRD:Extraordinary Ability|extraordinary ability]]. ...s:''' Determine initiative normally among any beings who don’t have this ability, placing them in order after the deity. The deity can choose to delay or re
    1 KB (213 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ...ft]] check to identify the school of each aura, but most deities with this ability can use [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] as a [[SRD:Free Actions|free ac {{SRD Divine Ability Footer}}
    653 bytes (102 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • This is an [[SRD:Extraordinary Ability|extraordinary ability]]. ...ine rank 11, [[SRD:Alter Size (Divine Ability)|Alter Size]] salient divine ability,
    1 KB (206 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • This is an [[SRD:Extraordinary Ability|extraordinary ability]]. ...ine ability, [[SRD:Alter Form (Divine Ability)|Alter Form]] salient divine ability.
    5 KB (718 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009
  • ...penalty, and this does not count against the deity’s daily uses of this ability. {{SRD Divine Ability Footer}}
    724 bytes (122 words) - 06:30, 11 August 2009

Page text matches

  • ...t, a ''helm of comprehend languages and read magic ''grants its wearer the ability to understand the spoken words of any creature and to read text in any lang
    783 bytes (117 words) - 01:26, 23 July 2011
  • ...form). He gains a +3 [[SRD:Natural Armor Bonus|natural armor bonus]], the ability to breathe underwater, and a swim speed of 60 feet, like a real manta ray.
    1 KB (201 words) - 05:38, 13 February 2011
  • ...rolls]], saves, [[SRD:Skill Check|skill checks]], and [[SRD:Ability Check|ability checks]] ||30,000 gp
    3 KB (495 words) - 04:58, 21 June 2011
  • the wearer’s base land speed by 10 feet. In addition to this striding ability (considered an enhancement bonus), these boots allow the wearer to make gre
    635 bytes (95 words) - 06:37, 11 August 2009
  • ...exceptional olfactory and visual abilities. (It has the [[SRD:Scent|scent ability]] and adds +4 to its [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] and [[SRD:Search Skill|Search]
    8 KB (1,317 words) - 18:31, 15 February 2011
  • ''of the sort generated by spell or [[SRD:Spell-Like Ability|spell-like ability]]. A brooch can absorb up to 101 points of damage from ''[[SRD:Magic Missil
    591 bytes (93 words) - 01:43, 23 July 2011
  • '''Elixir of Vision:''' Drinking this elixir grants the imbiber the ability to notice acute details with great accuracy (+10 competence bonus on [[SRD:
    402 bytes (58 words) - 06:37, 11 August 2009
  • ...[[SRD:Summon Nature's Ally I|summon nature’s ally I]], ''wild empathy'' ability; ''Price 1,150 gp;Weight 3 lb.
    1 KB (232 words) - 06:37, 11 August 2009
  • '''Elixir of Fire Breath: '''This strange elixir bestows upon the drinker the ability to spit gouts of flame. He can breathe fire up to three times, each time de
    603 bytes (97 words) - 06:37, 11 August 2009
  •]] as if he or she were four levels higher. (The rod doesn’t grant the ability to [[SRD:Turn or Rebuke Undead|rebuke or control undead]] if the holder doe
    1 KB (197 words) - 06:37, 11 August 2009
  • '''Elixir of Swimming:''' This elixir bestows swimming ability. An almost imperceptible magic sheath surrounds the drinker, allowing him t
    474 bytes (69 words) - 06:37, 11 August 2009
  • '''Elixir of Hiding:''' A character drinking this liquid gains an intuitive ability to hide (+10 competence bonus on [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide checks]] for 1 hour)
    378 bytes (53 words) - 06:37, 11 August 2009
  • '''Elixir of Sneaking:''' This draught of liquid grants the drinker the ability to walk softly and dampens sound around her slightly, granting a +10 compet
    429 bytes (63 words) - 06:37, 11 August 2009
  • ...|saving throws]], and they flee from the wielder. The wielder may use this ability up to three times per day.
    757 bytes (121 words) - 01:45, 21 February 2011
  • ...Magic Arms and Armor]], ''[[SRD:Shapechange|shapechange]]'' or wild shape ability; ''Market Price:'' 400,165 gp; ''Cost to Create:'' 200,165 gp + 14,000 XP.
    700 bytes (108 words) - 19:31, 1 March 2011
  • ...RD:Wizard|wizardry]] IX'' doubles 9th-level spells. Bonus spells from high ability scores, school specialization, or any other source are not doubled.
    1 KB (224 words) - 06:37, 11 August 2009
  • ...sful, the sword’s death-dealing ability does not function, no use of the ability is expended, and normal critical damage is determined. This sword is [[SRD:
    2 KB (254 words) - 01:21, 4 March 2011
  • ...rtune, usable once per day. This [[SRD:Extraordinary Ability|extraordinary ability]] allows its possessor to reroll one roll that she just made. She must take
    1 KB (173 words) - 00:28, 10 February 2011
  • ...onus (for a total enhancement bonus of +3) and gains the returning special ability. It can be hurled with a 30-foot range increment. When hurled, it deals an
    742 bytes (115 words) - 03:51, 12 February 2011
  • ...mic Damage Type (3.5e Variant Rule)|cosmic]]. The affected creature's high ability scores are reduced by 10 points each, down to a minimum of 18. While the ef
    4 KB (666 words) - 09:22, 16 January 2021

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