User:Zhenra-Khal/Spellbreaker (3.5e Class)/Spellbreaker Equipment
< User:Zhenra-Khal | Spellbreaker (3.5e Class)Battlemage EquipmentEdit
These are magic items that can only be crafted by Spellbreakers, and unless otherwise noted, only function for Spellbreakers. These items can have their properties added to other items of the same type, such as making an Amulet of Natural Armor with the additional properties of a Conflagration Amulet; This costs as much as making the Battlemage item on its own would cost, +10% of the base cost. However, you cannot combine a Battlemage item with another Battlemage item to combine their effects.
Battlemage equipment comes in strengths of +1 to +5, and costs as much as a weapon enhancement of the same enhancement value to make (Thus a Student's Amulet would have a market value of 2,000gp).
Spell GauntletsEdit
Spell Gauntlets are the bread and butter of the Spellbreaker, and every Spellbreaker starts play with two +1 Spell Gauntlets of their choice from the following list. Each Spell Gauntlet functions as a magical Spiked Gauntlet, and has an associated Warspell and Sorcery.
Fire GauntletEdit
Warspell: [[ | Fireburst]]
Sorcery: [[ | Flamewall]]
Frost GauntletEdit
Warspell: [[ | Ice Lance]]
Sorcery: [[ | Flash Freeze]]
Wind GauntletEdit
Warspell: [[ | Windshear]]
Sorcery: [[ | Tornado]]
Stone GauntletEdit
Warspell: [[ | Shockwave]]
Sorcery: [[ | Boulderfall]]
Toxic GauntletEdit
Warspell: [[ | Toxic Spray]]
Sorcery: [[ | Toxic Cloud]]
Lightning GauntletEdit
Warspell: [[ | Arc Bolt]]
Sorcery: [[ | Static Field]]
Amulets are necklaces, and take up the Throat slot.
Student's AmuletEdit
Value: +1
Description: Increases your Warspell damage by +1 per die.
Amulet Of KnowledgeEdit
Value: +2
Description: Increase your maximum Mana by 25.
Nimble AmuletEdit
Value: +2
Description: Treat your BAB as +2 higher than it is for the purposes of making a full attack, though your actual attack bonus doesn't increase. Thus if your BAB is +4, you would make attacks as if your BAB was +6/+1, but since your actual attack bonus isn't increasing, your actual BAB sequence would be +4/-1.
Thinker's AmuletEdit
Value: +2
Description: The Mana costs of your Warspells are reduced by 1 for every 5 points the Warspell costs normally.
Amulet of the MindEdit
Value: +3
Description: Increases your max Mana by 50.
Amulet of the VandalEdit
Value: +3
Description: For every 5 points of damage you deal with a Spell, Warspell or Sorcery, 1 point of it bypasses Shields, Damage Reduction and Temporary Health.
Quickening AmuletEdit
Value: +3
Description: Reduce the cooldown of your Sorceries by 1 round.
Amulet of Icy RefractionEdit
Value: +4
Description: Your Ice Lance now bounces off of objects up to 4 times; When it does so, it ricochets off the object at the same angle as it hit. Additionally, you move 5 times faster than you normally would while charging Ice Lance.
Conflagration AmuletEdit
Value: +4
Description: Your Firebursts, on impact, burst into three smaller Firebursts that land within 10ft of the first one (Determine location as if it were a missed Splash Weapon). These mini-Firebursts deal minimum Fireburst damage, but otherwise function in all ways as a Fireburst.
Crosswinds AmuletEdit
Value: +4
Description: When you fire a Windshear, you fire three instead. These can be fired at different targets, so long as they're within 10ft of at least one other of the targets. However, your Windshears, including the extra ones, have their damage reduced by -1 per damage die, to a minimum of 1 point of damage per die.
Dextrous AmuletEdit
Value: +4
Description: Treat your BAB as +4 higher than it is for the purposes of making a full attack, though your actual attack bonus doesn't increase. Thus if your BAB is +7/+2, you would make attacks as if your BAB was +11/+6/+1, but since your actual attack bonus isn't increasing, your actual BAB sequence would be +7/+2/-3.
Infected AmuletEdit
Value: +4
Description: Your Toxic Spray puddles are twice as large (10ft in diameter each) and cause targets to be Slowed as long as they remain within a puddle.
Reactive AmuletEdit
Value: +4
Description: If you take more than 1 point of damage per HD to HP (Not to Armor), you instantly fire 2 Arc Bolts out to Close Range. You can hit the same target with both bolts, or split them between targets.
Amulet of the LeechEdit
Value: +5
Description: When you deal damage to a living target's HP with a Warspell, you heal for half the damage dealt.
Amulet of the ScribeEdit
Value: +5
Description: Once per round, when you activate a Rune, your Sorceries are instantly refreshed, having their cooldown times reset.
Behemoth AmuletEdit
Value: +5
Description: This Amulet combines all the effects of a Nimble Amulet and Thinker's Amulet, and also causes your Warspells to deal +2 damage per damage die.
Girdles are belts, and take up the Waist slot.
Student's BeltEdit
Value: +1
Description: You gain DR 2/- against damage dealt by Battlemagic effects.
Armored BeltEdit
Value: +2
Description: Increases your maximum armor by half.
Belt of ConstitutionEdit
Value: +2
Description: Grants you +1 additional hit point per HD while worn.
Belt of Runic SpeedEdit
Value: +2
Description: Reduces the cooldown of your Rune by 1 round, to a minimum of 1 round.
Reinforced BeltEdit
Value: +3
Description: Doubles the value of all sources that would gran you Armor when worn.
Belt of Fire and FrostEdit
Value: +3
Description: Reduce Cold and Fire damage you take by 1 for every 3 points of damage you would've taken.
Belt of Stone and WindEdit
Value: +3
Description: Reduce Slashing and Bludgeoning damage you take by 1 for every 3 points of damage you would've taken.
Belt of Lightning and ToxicEdit
Value: +3
Description: Reduce Electricity and Acid damage you take by 1 for every 3 points of damage you would've taken.
Belt of RegenerationEdit
Value: +3
Description: You heal 1 HP per HD you possess at the beginning of each hour while this belt is worn, as if you had Rapid Healing.
Belt of Runic StudyEdit
Value: +3
Description: Increases your max Rune charges by 1.
Belt of the ScribeEdit
Value: +4
Description: When you activate a Rune, the next time you take damage before the beginning of your next turn, that damage is reduced to 1.
Impenetrable BeltEdit
Value: +4
Description: You gain DR 5/- against Battlemagic effects.
Slaking BeltEdit
Value: +4
Description: Once every 5 rounds, you can drink a potion as a free action. Additionally, healing you recieve from any source is increased by half.
Behemoth BeltEdit
Value: +5
Description: Increases your maximum Armor by half, increases your maximum HP by +1 per HD, and increases your max Rune charges by 1.
Belt of Runic FluencyEdit
Value: +5
Description: Increases your max Rune charges by 2, and reduces the cooldown of your Rune by 1 round, to a minimum of 1 round.
Greaves are boots, and take up the Feet slot.
Student's ShoesEdit
Value: +1
Description: Increases your base speed by 10ft when you take a double move action, and by 15ft when you take a Run action.
Boots of the MouseEdit
Value: +2
Description: Using the Move Silently skill no longer reduces your movement speed, and you can take 10 on Move Silently checks.
Rubber BootsEdit
Value: +2
Description: You're immune to the puddles left behind by Toxic Spray while wearing these boots.
Spiked BootsEdit
Value: +2
Description: You no longer slip on Ice Slicks while wearing these.
Boots of the CatEdit
Value: +3
Description: You can take 10 on Jump checks, and you always make Jump checks as if you have a running start.
Boots of the ScribeEdit
Value: +3
Description:Activating a Rune increases your pre-existing movespeeds by 10ft for 2 rounds, or by 20ft in any round in which you make a double move or take the Run action.
Grounding BootsEdit
Value: +3
Description: You are immune to the Nauseating effect of Lightning Battlemagic effects.
Behemoth BootsEdit
Value: +4
Description: These boots have all the abilities of the Rubber Boots, Spiked Boots and Grounding Boots.
Boots of SprintingEdit
Value: +4
Description: Wearing these boots increases your pre-existing movespeeds by 15ft, or by 30ft in any round in which you make a double move or take the Run action.
Slowfall BootsEdit
Value: +4
Description: While wearing these boots, you treat light gravity as no gravity, normal gravity as light gravity, and heavy gravity as normal gravity. Additionally, you gain the effects of the Feather Fall spell, and always Jump as if you had a running start.
Boots of LeapingEdit
Value: +5
Description: You gain an additional Midair Jump, plus the effects of the Boots of the Cat.
Padded ShoesEdit
Value: +5
Description: Your movements while wearing these boots automatically make no sound unless you choose for them to.
Phasing BootsEdit
Value: +5
Description: Every 2 rounds while wearing these boots, you automatically become Invisible for 1 round.