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Lacertan (3.5e Race)

649 bytes removed, 26 April
Racial Traits
|specialtext4=Once per dayThanks to their combat tradition and hunting skills, as a move action which doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, an agni may increase its body temperature to they learn special tactics. They gain the following benefits: it gets another saving throw against any disease or poison currently affecting it; anyone striking it in melee without a reach weapon suffers non-lethal fire damage equal to its Soothing Warm racial feature, as does anyone struck in melee by the agni with a non-reach weapon; it adds +1 to any die it rolls when inflicting fire damage and a +1 to the DC of any fire effect it produces[[Guerrilla (3. This effect lasts for one minute and aftewards the agni loses the ability to use its Soothing Warm, until it rests 5e Feat)|Guerrilla]] feat for 8 hoursfree.
|specialtext5=Agni Scimitars are lacertans' favored weapons, so they gain a racial +2 against diseases and poisonsfree proficiency with them.|special5=Body HeatCurved Claw
|specialtext6=Agni gain a racial +2 to [[Diplomacy]] and [[Heal]] checks, and treat [[Heal]] as a class skill always.|special6=Lover's Arts|specialtype6= |autolanguage=Common, Ignan
|bonuslanguage=Any, except for secret ones
|favoredclass=Bard Ranger or ClericScout