User:Leziad/Alternate Perfumer

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Class Skills: The perfumer adds Bluff and Diplomacy to her list of class skills.

This alters the alchemist’s class skills.

Atomized Extracts (Su): A perfumer’s extracts are stored in atomizers, rather than bottles or vials, allowing him to spray them at himself or an adjacent ally. The target is considered the imbiber, as if she had drunk an extract prepared with the infusion discovery. As the contents of an atomizer are inhaled, the target must be able to breathe. Atomized extracts are considered extracts for purposes of other abilities, and become inert when not in the alchemist’s possession.

This alters extracts and replaces brew potion.

Effervescent Bombs (Su): Rather than deal direct damage, a perfumer’s bombs create an effervescent cloud in a 5-foot radius for 1 round thereafter. All creature caught in the cloud as it is made takes 1d4 + the perfumer's Intelligence modifier in fire damage, and may attempt a Reflex save (DC = 10 + half the perfumer’s level + the perfumer’s Intelligence modifier) for half damage. Whenever a creature enters the cloud or starts its turn in it after its initial creation takes damage equal to the bomb’s minimum damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d4+4 points of fire damage on a creation, it would deal 6 fire damage in its cloud). The cloud of multiple effervescent bombs overlap, and do not do any additional damage, but the damage dealt is of all types dealt by the overlapping clouds.

The area of the cloud counts as splash damage whenever doing so would be beneficial. An effervescent bombs is unable do deal direct hit without the Concentrated Perfume feat. The effervescent bombs’ damage increases by 1d4 at 3rd level and every odd level thereafter. Effervescent bombs otherwise function as bombs, and discoveries that apply to bombs apply to effervescent bombs.

If used alongside the inferno bomb, poison bomb, smoke bomb, or stink bomb discovery, the the effervescent bomb works slightly differently. While it explodes in it normal 5-ft. radius, the cloud quickly expands to a covers 10-foot radius area. Creatures in this area are exposed to the discovery effect and the cloud secondary damage. However, after 1 round the cloud will ceases to do damage. This alters bomb.

Pheromones (Ex): A 1st level perfumer gains the pheromones discovery. At 7th level, she gains a +1 inherent bonus to Charisma and another at every third alchemist level gained thereafter.

This replaces mutagen and persistent mutagen.