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Starborn (3.5e Race)

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|author_name=<!--Erreun-->|date_created=<!--01-03-2011-->|status=<!--Grammar and spelling-->}}
==<!--Starborn-->== [[Summary::<!--Starborn are wandering magic-users and scientists.-->]]
<!--Starborn tend to be a little cool due to the simple fact that most seek to emulate their Creator in some way, also they tend to view the world as a laboratory in which to perform various experiments.
Starborn culture is ruled by reason first and foremost, however they are, as a whole, more accepting of other people, judging and their actions and ideas rather than their race.-->
===Physical Description===
<!--Starborn stand around 6 feet tall and weighting about 121 lbs with females being slightly smaller and lighter than males. Male Starborn cannot grow beards and both, males and females, tend to have extremely long silver/gold hair. Starborn tend to have metallic colored iris. Starborn skin is the same color as the night sky and is covered with Star-like spots that mimic constellations. Starborn typically use advanced technology (unless performing experiments requiring lower tech gear).-->
<!--Starborn Get along well with most races, however they are reserved and wary around cruel and malevolent races, due to tendency to judge people on actions and ideas rather than origin.-->
<!--Starborn prefer neutrality due to their scientific nature.-->
<!--Starborn are comfortable in most places, some older starborn are even know to live in stars and the empty places between galaxies. Starborn hail from the Planet Indunius which is also the home of their creator Erreun.-->
<!--Almost all Starborn worship at lest one of the gods of the starborn Pantheon or the entire pantheon with the exception of the Mad God Dorjan-->.
<!--Starborn Speak Common, Starborn (a unique language based on magical writing and scientific jargon), and many addition languages picked up during interaction with others (including secret languages such as Druidic).-->
<!--Starborn often name their children after people of other races that they are impressed by, however upon reaching adulthood some Starborn chose to take a different name that suits them, making John just as likely a name as Gliblik.-->
===Racial Traits===
* <!--{{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Strength|-2 Strength}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Dexterity|-2 Dexterity}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:constitution|+1 constitution}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:intellectIntelligence|+1 intellectIntelligence}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:wisdomWisdom|-2 wisdomWisdom}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:charismaCharisma|+1 charismaCharisma}}, -->: <!-- Starborn are Durable, intelligent and exotic but are a bit brash or naïve due to their races wanderlust in addition to being Slow and Weak due to there tendency for flying everywhere.-->* [[Type::<!-- outsider -->Outsider]] ([[Subtype::<!-- xenotheric -->Xenotheric]]), ([[Subtype::<!-- Air -->]]), ([[Subtype::<!-- Earth -->]]): <!-- Starborn are an artificial race created to dwell in nearly any environment. -->* {{Racial Size|<!--Medium-->|<!--Starborn-->}} * <-Starborn-> [[SRD:Base Land Speed|base land speed]] is <!-- 20 --> feet: <!-- Base Fly speed 30 -->* <!-- {{3.5e Darkvision|<!-- 60 -->}} -->* <!-- Encumbered Flight {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- Starborn can fly at full speed even while carrying a medium load and flies at encumbered speed with a heavy load. -->* <!-- Natural Linguist {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- At every level above first a Starborn adds one language s/he has encountered in his/her travels. -->* <!-- Fast Metabolism {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- Starborn require four times as much food as humans, eating less results in normal starvation rules, eating nothing quadruples effects (i.e. DC 10, +4 for each previous check) or take 4d6 points of nonlethal damage. -->* <!-- Bioreactor {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- Starborn do not require water. -->* <!-- Breathless {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- Starborn don’t need to breath. -->* <!-- Superior Literacy {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- Starborn are always literate, regardless of their character class. Speak Language is always a class skill for Starborn, regardless of class. -->* <!-- Spell Resistance {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- 13 + your Hit die -->* <!-- Telepathy {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- 100 ft -->* <!-- Energy Resistances {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- A Starborn has energy resistance 10 to electricity and acid -->* <!-- Bio-energy Pool {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- As xenotheric creatures an Starborn has a pool of bio-energy which it can employ for various purposes -->* <!-- Bio-energy Dependence {{Ex}}. -->: <!-- : if a Starborn’s bio-energy is ever reduced to zero they immediately begin to starve, while starving bio-energy doesn’t recover also they lose their casting ability and flight. -->* [[SRD:Automatic Languages|Automatic Languages]]: <!-- Common, Starborn, and one language (including secret languages). -->.* [[SRD:Bonus Languages|Bonus Languages]]: <!-- Any (other than secret languages such as Druidic) -->.
* [[SRD:Favored Class|Favored Class]]: <!-- Use "{{Property Link|Favored Class|SRD:Wizard|Wizard}}" for each favored class of the race, replacing SRD:Wizard with the page name and Wizard with the class name for the appropriate class. If there is no favored class, put "[[Favored Class::Any]]" -->
* [[Level Adjustment]]: +[[Level Adjustment::<!-- 0 -->]] * [[ECL|Effective Character Level]]: [[Effective Character Level::<!-- 1 -->]]
===Vital Statistics===
{{3.5e Racial Starting Age
|name=<!-- Starborn -->|start=<!-- 20 (male), 18 (female) -->9 to 16|simple=<!-- +1D4 -->|moderate=<!-- +1D6 -->|complex=<!-- +1D8 -->}}
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
|name=<!-- Starborn -->|adult=20 (male), 18 (female)|middle=<!-- none -->|old=<!-- None -->|venerable=<!-- None -->|maximum=<!-- None -->}}
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|name=<!-- Starborn -->|mHeightBase=<!-- 5 -->' <!-- 0 -->"|mHeightMod=<!-- +2D12 -->|mWeightBase=<!-- 85 lb -->|mWeightMod=<!-- X 1D6 lb -->|fHeightBase=<!-- 4 -->' <!-- 10-->"|fHeightMod=<!-- +2D12 -->|fWeightBase=<!-- 80 lb -->|fWeightMod=<!-- X 1D6 lb -->}}  