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Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability

719 bytes added, 05:26, 23 August 2012
attitude isn't in the PCs hands, so it's a DC adjustment. minor supporting changes there, clarity adjustments, and campaigner + do it for me please limitations
{|class="d20 zebra" style="text-align:left; width:60%;"
!Target Attitude !! Check DC<br />Modifier !! Example
|Murderous || -align="center" | +20|| Tries to murder you on sight, and is more likely to scream at you than say something.
|Hostile Hateful || -align="center" | +15|| Hates you and would probably frame or stab you if they could get away with it.
|Unfriendly || -align="center" | +10 || Dislikes you and would passively frustrate your goals.
|Indifferent || -align="center" | +5 || Doesn’t have any inclination to help or hinder you.
|Friendly || align="center" | +0 || Likes you and would assist you if it’s convenient.
|Helpful || +align="center" | -5 || Likes you and would assist you just because you asked.
Note: This skill may be used on a player by an NPC at some point, especially if the players are being indecisive. In those cases, you should accept that everybody gets fast talked once in a while, and that it might happen to your character once in a while too. An NPC successfully using this ability on you is not very different from one using the [[SRD:Suggestion|''suggestion'']] spell, except that they can’t force you to do objectionable things. You should just roll with it, treating the NPC appropriately based on how well they convinced you to participate.
'''Base DC:''' 10 + CR + Wis mod+ Attitude modifier<br>
'''Check Result:'''
*DC+10 and above: They agree to the deal, and do not look unkindly on it regardless of the favorability of it.
====[[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability#Seriously Likeable|Seriously Likeable]]====
A smile and kind word from you can melt even the coldest heart. With 10 minutes of interaction and an affability check, you can positively change the attitude of your target towards yourself or another person or group. This shift is a natural shift in attitude, and is not enforced by anything. If you mistreat or disappoint a person while their attitude has been changed, they are likely to respond more negatively than before. Even if you don’t mistreat the person, their attitude will likely revert back to its original level unless you spend time earning it.</onlyinclude> The base DC for this check is 10 + their CR + their Wis modifier. The DC is also modified by their attitude towards you, as indicated in the table above. The DC is increased by 2 if you attempt to shift the target’s attitude for someone else. Your check result is modified by their attitude towards you, as indicated in the table above. You can use this ability with small groups of people, affecting up to 1 target per 3 ranks in affability, though you only make one check result to compare against each of their individual DCs.
You may not retry this check during the same encounter, but you may use it on someone multiple times over multiple meetings. It is very difficult, however, to repeat the effect and make progress with someone If you have previously used use this ability on. After the initial time you use this on a personin a later encounter, they are treated as Hostile for purposes of this check (though their actual attitude towards you may be different)modifier is replaced by -15. Note that this shift in attitude does not stack with the shift gained from the [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability#Campaigner|Campaigner]] ability. You can not improve the attitude of an individual with the Campaigner ability any further if you have already improved it with this abilityIt is difficult to remake a strong impression after all.
Note that this shift in attitude does not stack with the shift gained from the [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability#Campaigner|Campaigner]] ability. You can not improve the attitude of an individual with the Campaigner ability any further if you have already improved it with this ability. '''Base DC:''' 10 + Character Level + Wis mod+ attitude modifier (or -15 for repeated attempts), +2 if attempting to shift target’s attitude towards another person<br/>
'''Check Result:'''
*DC+10 and above: You shift their attitude 3 steps in the positive direction. You can not shift an attitude beyond helpful.
*DC+0 to DC+4: You shift their attitude 1 steps in the positive direction. You can not shift an attitude beyond helpful.
*DC-1 to DC-5: You fail to shift their attitude at all.
*DC-6 and below: You say something that they take absolutely the wrong way and shift their attitude 1 step in the negative direction. You can not shift an attitude beyond hostilehateful, and probably however, so are unlikely to start a fight if they become hostile towards youaccidentally.<onlyinclude>
====[[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability#Campaigner|Campaigner]]====
Crowds love listening to you, and tend to like you better afterwards. While addressing a crowd of any size, you can try to make them friendlier to yourself or another individual. The effect of this is similar to the Seriously Likeable ability, but on a wider and less personal scale.</onlyinclude> If you have 10 minutes to address a crowd, whether it’s from a podium or the chopping block, you can make an affability check against a DC of 15 + the average CR of the crowd + the average Wis modifier of the crowd. The prevailing attitude of the crowd towards you further modifies check the DC as well. If you succeed on the check, you positively change the attitude of a number of people indicated by your check result by one step. In crowds of mixed CR, you always influence the lowest CR individuals first.  You may reuse this ability on the same crowd multiple times as long as you have not failed so badly as to sour them, but no member of the crowd can be affected more than once. Later uses may be easier than earlier uses however, since the prevailing attitude of the crowd will eventually improve as you succeed. If a member of the crowd would be present for a subsequent use of this ability, their attitude may not be shifted an additional step.
You may reuse this ability on the same crowd multiple times as long as you have not failed so badly as to sour them, but no member of the crowd can be affected more than once. Later uses may be easier than earlier uses however, since the prevailing attitude of the crowd will eventually improve as you succeed. For those affected, this shift in attitude is natural and is not enforced by anything. If you mistreat or disappoint a person while their attitude has been changed, they are likely to respond more negatively than before. Even if you don’t mistreat the person, their attitude will likely revert back to its original level unless you spend time earning it.
Even if exposed to multiple attempts, a creature may have its attitude shifted no more than one step with this ability. This shift in attitude does not stack with the shift in attitude obtained from the [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability#Seriously Likeable|Seriously Likeable]] ability. If you later use that ability on an individual still under the effect of this ability, reduce any positive attitude shift by one level to account for the non-stacking.
'''Base DC:''' 15 + the average CR of the crowd + the average Wis modifier of the crowd + the average attitude modifier of the crowd<br>
'''Check Result:'''
*DC+10 and above: You shift the attitude of up to six times your ranks in affability worth of individuals by 1 step in the positive direction. You can not shift an attitude beyond helpful.
You may use both this ability and the [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability#Let’s Not Be Hasty|Let’s Not Be Hasty]] ability as part of the same standard action. When you are using both abilities at the same time, you only make one roll and compare it against all target DCs.
'''Base DC:''' Effect Save DC + Effect level, or 10 + User’s Character Level + Cha Wis mod<br>
'''Check Result:'''
*DC+10 and above: You suppress the effect for 3 rounds without additional checks or actions, at the end of which it is dispelled effect on your targets. If they wish to regain the lost benefit they must reuse the ability, recast the spell, or otherwise restart its effects. This probably makes them sad. Anyone freed from an effect with this ability is considered to have made a save against it.
===Rank 12 Uses===
====[[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability#Do it It for Me, Please|Do it It for Me, Please]]====Sometimes people walk off buildings, just because you asked nicely. This is similar to your [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability#Push an Agreement|Push an Agreement]] ability, except that you can convince people to do things against their natures or that are suicidal.</onlyinclude> The DC for this check is 10 + their CR + their wis Wis mod. Your check result is modified by their attitude towards you and towards your request. While it isn’t especially difficult to get them to fulfill your request, it is hard to make them continue liking you afterwards. If you are asking someone to do something that is just obviously counter to their goals, against their nature, or to which they would be similarly opposed their attitude towards you temporarily moves one step negative. If you are asking someone to do something obviously suicidalor which would result in their becoming destitute or significantly maimed, their attitude towards you temporarily moves two steps more negative. These temporary shifts likely become permanent shifts, as determined by your check result. So while it isn’t especially difficult to get them to fulfill your request, it is hard to make them continue liking you afterwards.
'''Base DC:''' 10 + Character Level + Wis mod+ attitude modifier<br>
'''Check Result:'''
*DC+10 and above: They perform your request. The shift in attitude as a result of your request, while permanent, is reduced by two steps. Yes, this really means that you could ask someone to steal for you and they would like you more for it afterwards. People are weird and sometimes appreciate being pushed into life changing things like that. This also means that they probably don't mind the request so much anymore, and you may not improve their attitude further with this ability.
*DC+5 to DC+9: They perform your request. The shift in attitude as a result of your request, while permanent, is reduced by one step.
*DC+0 to DC+4: They perform your request, but the shift in attitude based on it is permanent.

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