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Talk:Crackerjack (3.5e Class)

876 bytes added, 03:40, 22 January 2013
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And if it ''doesn't'' choose Diplomacy or UMD (or UPD, I guess) as its favored skill, this class is useless in combat. Although it might be amusing to see one choose Jump. WHEEEEEEE!
Some of the balancing assumptions I use when posting homebrew seem relevant. Assumption 1: Effective balance varies greatly from gaming group to campaign. Assumption 2: Many gamers have experience correcting from the game's default balance. Assumption 3: The game's default balance assumes the standard classes, skills and feats to be balanced. So when I write homebrew for posting, I treat the skills as balanced.
If you feel the balance category needs adjusting, I would be happy to change it.
(Also, Diplomacy "retries usually don't work." and this applies "Even if the initial Diplomacy check succeeds,"(PH, page 72). So in DanielDraco's examplethe second use would only make the (former) enemy Helpful if the DM decided this was an unusual case that allowed a second check. And per DMG 36-37, whether this counts as defeating the enemy is at the DM's discretion.)

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