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Wave of Negation (3.5e Spell)

8 bytes removed, 22:18, 23 October 2016
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Luckily the wave is extremely slow moving, unlike a normal spell it does not fill it area instantaneously, instead it advance at the slow pace of 20 feet per round, filling it area completely before finally disappearing. Since the area the spell was cast in no longer exist it cause a severe depression as all the air rushes in, replicating the effect of a inward [[Gale Force (3.5e Spell)|''gale force'']] focusing inward.
''[[Channel (3.5e Other)|Channel]]:'' Wave of Negation Tsunami can be channeled in the following ways.
* ''Greater'': The wave of negation move faster, for each time you apply this channel it speed double.</onlyinclude>

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