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Aeon Nix (3.5e Equipment)

1 byte added, 06:59, 9 December 2018
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[[Summary::An enhancement which protect the item it is applied to from corrosion and the wear of ages.]] An Aeon Nix item's hardness cannot be reduced or bypassed, it double it hardness against acid damage and is immune to any form of corrosion or rust. The weapon will stay pristine through the ages, never aging a day even if left for a century in stagnant water. Unlike most enhancement, Aeon Nix is not suppressed in an antimagic field or dead magic zone.
Any effect which cause the weapon to degrade fail, any penalties from wear to the weapon never apply. If [[Broken (3.5e Condition)|Broken]] it may be repaired in half the time.
Faint Transmutation; CL 3rd; [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]], [[SRD:Make Whole|''make whole'']]; Price: [[Cost::+1]].

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