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Talk:Sharpshooter (3.5e Class)

362 bytes added, 22:21, 9 February 2010
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::::::::: Well... I still think it's wizard level, but that's really just a matter of opinion. I know that that's the standard, but they're mostly a secondary ability or come from PrC classes... Anyway, this class's power is not only about the amount of damage it does (which is pretty high), but also about it's other abilities. Even when the enemy succeeds his saves, he still takes a penalty. A level 18 character can pretty much keep an enemy pinned using called shots to the leg if the enemy has speed of 30 (most two legged monsters that don't get class bonus speed), no matter how good the opponents fortitude is, and still accumulate Aim Points. In the worst case, he would slow them down and hit and run to the enemie's death. Against a ranged character, he can blind, no escape from that either. He can also disrupt magic, no escape from that, and with 5 points cost, past level 15, the Aim Pool would be refreshing at a rate similar to the spending (move action aiming). So, I think it's probably better than the wizard when you fight the villain (powerful) and it's vessels (not so much), or against a single enemy (i.e. a dragon or other loners)... Of course, wizards still own against a large amount of enemies... Also, about the disrupt magic, just to make sure about the wording, a Prismatic Ray (5th level spell from Complete Arcane) would have a concentration DC of 20 + 1/2 level + dex modifier?
::::::::: Btw, I've just talked to one of my players and he also loved the class, so he'll be playing it on my next campaign... Maybe then I'll have a better point of view to this class's balance level (since everyone wanted what we call powerful classes (so I can make proper challenges rather than either the wizard owns, or you all die), if the Sharpshooter doesn't get outshined it's most likely wizard level...). For now, I've stated my point, as I think the balance level is more like a guideline to the DMs and players...--[[User:ElfsMaster|ElfsMaster]] 20:50, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
:::::::::: If you honestly think that, why not bring it up on the forum? If the correct balance level for it as it currently is, ''is'' wizard, then I'll happily change things to make it rogue-level, or assign it to the wizard class level. But first one needs to establish that it is wizard-level. --[[User:Ghostwheel|Ghostwheel]] 22:21, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
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