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Sentient Illusion (3.5e Race)

772 bytes added, 18:34, 14 January 2011
now the host can deceive you
* {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Strength|No Strength}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Dexterity|No Dexterity}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Constitution|No Constitution}}: As illusions, they have no bodies, and therefore have no physical attributes.
* [[Type::None]]: Sentient Illusions have no type. They don't eat, drink, breathe, or sleep.
* Parasitic: Sentient Illusions basically exist as a status effect on their host. If the illusion's host ceases to be, so does the illusion. While Sentient Illusions don't have hit points, and can't be forced to make Fortitude or Reflex saves, they can still be targeted as a separate character (in the same location) for the purpose of Mind-Affecting effects.* Senses {{Su}}: Sentient Illusions can perceive anything their host perceives. The host can alter what the Sentient Illusion perceives as a free action, but every minute beyond the first in a day when the host does this, the host must make a Concentration check or Will save (DC equal to the number of minutes they've chosen to alter the Sentient Illusion's perceptions today) or permanently lose 1 point of Wisdom. Treat this like ''[[SRD:Persistent Image|persistent image]]'', with duration problems listed above instead of 1 minute/level, that can also deceive special senses, for which the host can change the script as a free action.* Appearance {{Su}}: Sentient Illusions can freely alter what their host perceives. This can have a variety of effects, divided into the following types: Avatar, Obscuration, or Suggestion. Multiple types of Appearance change can be used in a given round.
:* ''Avatar'': The Sentient Illusion can appear as some sort of creature or object, not interfering with the creature's powers of observation, but allowing the Sentient Illusion to converse in a civilized fashion with its host.
:* ''Obscuration'': The Sentient Illusion removes or overwhelms some or all of the host's senses. This type of direct attack can be resisted, however. Each round, the host may make a Will save to completely remove the Sentient Illusion's ability to affect anything for 1 minute. The save DC is 10 + the Sentient Illusion's character level.

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