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Chicken (3.5e Cleric Domain)

1 byte removed, 12:14, 15 June 2021
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|summary=A subdomain of the Bird domain, often for clerics of gods of agriculture and fetility.
|desc=You understand the importance of poultry in any community and the greatness of the humble chicken.
|power=A cleric with this domain may acquire a [[Chicken (3.5e Monster)|chicken]] [[SRD:Wizard#Familiar|familiar]] as a wizard of its cleric level. The chicken is actually the divine focus of the cleric and the cleric needs to be in sight of it to cast spells.
The cleric counts as having the Acquire Familiar feature and all of its benefits. The chicken is actually the divine focus of the cleric and the cleric needs to be in sight of it to cast spells.
All of the domain spells are added to its spell list.

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