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Atma Weapon (3.5e Monster)

26 bytes added, 04:45, 1 August 2010
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|space=20 ft. |reach=15 ft. (20 ft. with tail slap)
|sa=Draw Magic, Mana Breath, Spellcasting, Tail Sweep (2d6+19)
|sq=Arcane Senses, Blindsense 60 ft., Damage Reduction 40/epic, Exceptional Sight, Immune to Fear, Magic Lifeforce, Quick Cast, Regeneration 40, Spell Eater, SR 40
|fort=+35 |ref=+20 |will=+23
|str=36 |dex=10 |con=30 |int=13 |wis=17 |cha=31
|skills=Concentration +53, Bluff +53, Climb +56, Diplomacy +14, Intimidate +55, Knowledge Arcana +44, Knowledge History +44, Search +44, Sense Motive +46, Survival +3/+5 when following tracks, Spellcraft +46
|feats=[[Multiattack]], [[Improved Initiative]], [[Power Attack]], [[Cleave]], [[Improved Overrun]], [[Silent Spell]], [[SRD:Empower Spell|Empower Spell]], [[SRD:Superior Initiative|Superior Initiative]], [[Combat Reflexes]], [[SRD:Spellcasting Harrier|Spellcasting Harrier]], [[SRD:Epic Toughness|Epic Toughness x4]]
Atma weapon often keeps scrolls on hand (or forepaw as it would be) for the occational utilitarian spell it may need at the time. Typical spells include ''[[SRD:Tongues|tongues]]'', ''[[SRD:Shrink Item|shrink item]]'', and ''[[SRD:Dimension Door|dimension door]]''.
'''Arcane Senses Draw Magic ([[ExSu]]):''' Atma Weapon sees four times as well as As a human in shadowy illumination and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision out to 120 feetstandard action, atma weapon may make a touch attack and is constantly under duplicate the effects of ''[[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|greater dispel magic]]'' at caster level 20. If it successfully dispeled an extraordinary ongoing spell effect, it refreshes a number of spells per day equal in value to the spell removed. For example, if atma weapon dispelled a PC's ''[[SRD:True SeeingDisplacement|true seeingdisplacement]]'' effectspell, atma weapon may restore a 3rd level spell per day of its own, three 1st level spells, a 1st and a 2nd level spell, or any combination equally up to 3 levels of spells.
'''Draw Magic Exceptional Sight ([[SuEx]]):''' As Atma Weapon sees four times as well as a standard actionhuman in shadowy illumination and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision out to 120 feet, atma weapon may make a touch attack and duplicate is constantly under the effects of an extraordinary ''[[SRD:Greater Dispel MagicTrue Seeing|greater dispel magictrue seeing]]'' at caster level 20. If it successfully dispeled an ongoing spell effect, it refreshes a number of spells per day equal in value to the spell removed. For example, if atma weapon dispelled a PC's ''[[SRD:Displacement|displacement]]'' spell, atma weapon may restore a 3rd level spell per day of its own, three 1st level spells, a 1st and a 2nd level spell, or any combination equally up to 3 levels of spells.
'''Magic Lifeforce ([[Ex]]):''' A being of utter raw magic, it is actually vital to the creature's existance. If atma weapon ever runs out of spells per day of 1st level or higher, it immediately perishes, disintergrating into magical aether. Rarely will this happen as atma weapon is loath to simply commit suicide, but in times of duress atma weapon can exhaust its spell supply if it thinks doing so will destroy the enemy and its treasure will remain safe until it respawns. Any remaining cantrips do not count as spells remaining for the purposes of magic lifeforce.

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