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Zergling (4e Monster)

187 bytes added, 01:54, 11 January 2011
Zergling: various modifications to descriptive text. some mechanical changes.
[[Image:Zergling.jpg|thumb|Even the least of the Zerg are terrible foes.]]
Zerglings form the most numerous of the zerg mutationsstrains; the their simple DNA allows two zerglings to be spawned from a single larva. The larvae get the genetic information from the "primordial ooze" of spawning pools. As the smallest zerg strain apart from the larvaeand unstable broodlings, zerglings are one meter tall and possess webbed feet. Further mutations may be made to zergling DNA, namely the alteration of frequently altering their physiology through a metabolic boost to increase their reflexes and rate of movement and the mutation enhancement of their adrenal glands, changing to alter their hormonal balance to induce , inducing a battle frenzy.
Zerglings are physically adaptable creatures, able to climb attain extraordinary speeds, even while climbing near -vertical surfaces and are extraordinarily fast. Usually, zergling eyes are fall in the range of orange, though have been observed to be red. Such is their ability to see in low light conditions, these eyes but can appear pure black (courtesy of the expanding pupils which allow them to allow more see in extreme low-light to the retina)conditions.<sup>1</sup>
===Zergling Tactics===
Zerglings are quick to join the fray, charging to stike the nearest enemy, but are driven by their own cruel cunning, even when not directed by a greater intelligence. If more than three zerglings are engaging an enemy, others will disengage and charge another foe. Groups will attempt to flank enemies to gain an advantage and cut off retreat. Their prey find it nearly impossible to get past their lunging claws and bodies once they've been surrounded. Even so, their attacks are little more than an artless blur of frenzied slashing, as they do not select priority targets, tearing into whatever is close at... clawnearest.
|effect=The zergling horde may move into an enemy's space (provoking attacks as normal). It gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls combat advantage and +deals an additional 2 to damage rolls with attacks against enemies entirely within the horde's space. The horde may use its ''weight of numbers'' only against engulfed creatures that were hit by ''swarm of claws'' since the end of the horde's last turn.
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===Zergling Horde Tactics===
A zergling horde acts similarly to a smaller group at first. They will either lie in wait until prey approachesor, but if caught in the open, charge directly into battle. However, they then attempt to surround a single foe, dragging it to ground while striking at as many others as possilbe. Unless directed by a higher intelligence, they do not chose priority targets, merely positioning themselves to cause as much mayhem as physically possible.
|effect=The winged zergling may move up to 9 squares when it charges, dealing an extra 7 damage on a hit and knocking the target prone. It jumps over most obstructions, ignoring any intervening allies and difficult terrain.
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===Winged Zergling Tactics===
Winged zerglings act much as their lesser kin, just only more swiftly. Using their undersized nearly-vestigal wings to perform long leaps, they launch themselves into the fray, sending their unfortunate prey sprawling.
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|effect=+32 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage, and the horde shifts 1 square.
{{4e Creature Power
|effect=The frenzied zergling horde makes 2 basic attacks against separate targets, and may shift 1 square after each attack.
{{4e Creature Power
|effect=The frenzied zergling horde may move into an enemy's space (provoking attacks as normal). It gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls combat advantage and +deals an additional 2 to damage rolls with attacks against enemies entirely within the horde's space. The horde may use its ''weight of numbers'' only against engulfed creatures that were hit by ''swarm of claws'' since the end of the horde's last turn.
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|keywords=zerg, zergling
|effect=The devouring one may move up to 9 squares when it charges, dealing an extra 10 damage on a hit and knocking the target prone. It jumps over most obstructions, ignoring intervening allies and difficult terrain.
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===Devouring One Tactics===
Devouring ones are a terror on the battlefield, often entering combat by leaping upon their enemies, bearing them to ground. Typically out-numbering their prey, these terrors will leap upon surround their enemies, bearing them to ground, prey and slash their foes hamstrings in battle frenzy, preventing any escape. Worse still, they almost never attack alone, accompanying even more horrifying zerg allies.
===Zergling Lore===
Anonymous user

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