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Sanctified (3.5e Equipment)

331 bytes removed, 19:17, 5 October 2018
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[[Summary::A sanctified armor turn exotic from of damage into regular damage and sanctified shield grant you a resistance to those damage type.|When wearing a sanctified armor you treat hellfire damage]] as regular fire damage, vile damage as normal damage, divine and unholy damage as regular damage (such as [[SRD:Flame Strike|flame strike]] dealing only fire damage).
A sanctified shield instead grant resistance to divine, hellfire, unholy and vile damage. The resistance depend on the shield size, a buckler grant resistance 1, a light shield 53, a heavy shield 10 6 and a tower shield 1512.
If you wear both a sanctified armor and shield, apply the resistance before converting the damage to it normal type, possibly adding both any innate resistance and the resistance granted by your shield (by example both the resistance bonus of your shield and any fire resistance you have would apply to hellfire) Sanctified armor and shield count as a holy symbol and emanate a 10 ft. radius [[SRD:Hallow|''hallow'']] effect (altough you cannot attach spell to it). The range increase to 30 ft. if you have both a sanctified armor and shield. An evil creature that wear a sanctified weapon or shield is constantly [[SRD:Staggered|staggered]].
Strong Evocation and Good; CL 12; [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|craft magic arms and armor]], [[SRD:Hallow|''hallow'']]; Price: [[Cost::+3]].

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