Dark Travellers (4e Monster)

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Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 3-18-11
Status: Lestus, the Proud; Sophyia, the Emerald Archer; Shagun, the Freelancer; Yuni of the Blood Moon; Axel, the Fire Blazer; Gambit, the Lucktwister; Exarnia, the Whiteflame Cleric; Iolan, Necromancer of Time; Lesser cohorts
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Dark Travellers

Dark Travellers are an epic-level band of abnormal humanoids, some of whom have been tainted by the power of necromancy. Others just follow along with the group to unleash their potential upon those who attempt to ruin their plans.

Nyria, Word of Umond

The weakest of the Ten, she is a witch that uses the power of the voice to hinder and damage her foes with faint whispers of necromantic prayers and silent gestures. Her powerful kiss can become a useful and sometimes fatal tool.

Nyria, Word of Umond
Level 22 Elite Controller
Medium Immortal Humanoid
XP 8,300
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +16; Darkvision
Aura of Beauty aura 5; any enemy within the aura that are dazed or weakened also take a -2 penalty to attack rolls against any creature.
HP 416; Bloodied 208
AC 38; Fortitude 32, Reflex 32, Will 38
Resist 15 Necrotic
Saving Throws +2
Speed 7 (Shadow Walk)
Action Points 1
BasicMelee.png Hand of Darkness (standard; at-will) ♦ Necrotic
+27 vs. AC; 2d6 +8 Necrotic damage (4d6 +12 on a critical, and the target is dazed – save ends)
Close.png Shower of Darkness (standard; recharge D6 (4).gif D6 (5).gif D6 (6).gif) ♦ Necrotic
+24 vs. Fortitude; Close burst 4; 3d6 +8 Necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
Area.png Dark Pulse (standard; encounter) ♦ Necrotic
+24 vs. Reflex; Area Burst 3; 4d12 +8 Necrotic damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of Nyria’s next turn.
Kiss of Darkness (minor; 1/ round) ♦ Charm
+26 vs. Will; the target must be dazed or weakened; the target loses the current condition and is instead dominated. The target must remain within 6 squares of Nyria or the effect ends.
Shadow Jaunt (move) ♦ Teleportation
Nyria can teleport 6 squares and make a basic melee attack against a creature she appears adjacent to.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Telepathy 20
Skills Acrobatics +23; Arcana +21; Diplomacy +20; Intimidate +20; Stealth +23
Str 20 (+16) Dex 25 (+18) Wis 21 (+16)
Con 24 (+18) Int 20 (+16) Cha 19 (+15)

Shadow Beast

Nyria's four-legged cohorts, they appear as shadowy silhouettes of the mighty lion. Their ferocious roar spews forth waves of necromantic energy at their foes, and their vicious claws infect their targets with painful spikes of raw necrotic energy.

Shadow Beast
Level 19 Elite Soldier
Large Shadow Magical Beast
XP 4,800
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +13; Darkvision
Aurora of Darkness (Encounter) aura 2; If the Shadow Beast has concealment, it can make a basic melee attack against each enemy within the aura without losing concealment.
HP 360; Bloodied 180
AC 37; Fortitude 29, Reflex 28, Will 26
Resist 10 Necrotic
Saving Throws +2
Speed 7 (Shadow Walk); Teleport 4
Action Points 1
BasicMelee.png Dark Claw (standard; at-will) ♦ Necrotic
+26 vs. AC; Reach 2; 2d6 +7 Necrotic damage
Melee.png Pounce (standard; at-will)
The shadow beast can make two claw attacks against one target. If both attacks hit, the target takes ongoing 10 Necrotic damage (save ends).
Close.png Dark Howl (standard; recharge D6 (5).gif D6 (6).gif) ♦ Necrotic
+22 vs. Reflex; Close Burst 5; 3d8 +7 Necrotic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends).
Ethereal Darkness (immediate reaction, when missed by a ranged attack; 1/ round)
The shadow beast gains concealment until the end of its next turn or when it attacks. The shadow beast can make opportunity attacks and remain concealed.
Shadow Jaunt (move)
Must have concealment; While concealed, the shadow beast can move up to twice its speed with a successful stealth check or up to its speed without one. Difficult terrain and other effects apply to this speed normally.
Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech, Telepathy 20
Skills Arcana +16; Athletics +20; Insight +18; Intimidate +19; Stealth +19
Str 23 (+15) Dex 21 (+14) Wis 19 (+13)
Con 20 (+14) Int 15 (+11) Cha 21 (+14)

Xigbar, the Freeshooter

Originally a freelance traveler, he encountered the group of wayward souls on one of his recent travels and has since aligned himself to the good of his new allies. He is torn between two worlds, but chooses to keep his own opinions and thoughts to his own self. He carries a pair of unusually-shaped weapons, which seem like crossbows at first from a distance...

Level 22 Solo Artillery
Medium Immortal Humanoid
XP 20,750
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +23; Darkvision
HP 795; Bloodied 397
AC 38; Fortitude 30, Reflex 37, Will 30
Immune Paralysis, Sleep; Resist 15 Necrotic
Saving Throws +5 (+7 against slowed & immobilized)
Speed 6; Fly 6 (hover); Teleport 8
Action Points 2
BasicRanged.png Arrowgun (standard; at-will)
+29 vs. AC; Ranged 10/20; 2d6 +8 damage
Ranged.png Arrowguns (standard; at-will)
Xigbar can make two arrowgun attacks against one or two different targets in range. He can make an additional attack if one attack hits, or two additional attacks if both attacks hit.
Ranged.png Critical Snipe (standard; recharge D6 (5).gif D6 (6).gif)
+27 vs. Reflex; Ranged 10; cannot be phased; 4d6 +8 damage.

Secondary attack: one enemy within 10 squares of the primary target; +27 vs. Reflex; 3d6 +8 damage. Tertiary attack: one enemy within 10 squares of the secondary target; +27 vs. Reflex; 2d6 +8 damage.

Phase Reaction (immediate interrupt, when missed by a melee or close burst attack; 1/ round) ♦ Teleportation
Xigbar can teleport and make an immediate basic attack against the attacker. In addition, he gains Resist 5 to all damage until the start of his next turn.
Reactive Shot (immediate reaction, when hit by a ranged attack; 1/ round)
Xigbar can make an immediate basic attack against the target that hit him with a ranged attack. If the attack hits, Xigbar gains concealment until the start of his next turn.
Ranged.png Warp Snipe (standard; encounter) ♦ Teleportation
+27 vs. Reflex; Ranged 10; 2d6 +8 damage, and Xigbar can teleport his speed to fire another shot at a different target.

Secondary Attack: All within range; +25 vs. Reflex; 4d12 +8 damage, and the target cannot benefit from cover or concealment until the end of Xigbar’s next turn. Miss: Half damage

Phase Arrows
Xigbar’s shots can be redirected to a different location within range, meaning that he doesn’t need direct line of sight to hit the target, but must have line of effect where the bullet reappears to hit the target.
Ranged Opportunity Attack
Since Xigbar only has ranged attacks, he can substitute his close range opportunity attack with a ranged basic attack-- range is the same as a melee attack. This type of attack does not provoke opportunity attacks in this fashion.
Reload (minor)
Xigbar can fire up to 12 shots (6 shots per gun) before he has to reload. If Xigbar runs out of shots before the start of his next turn, he cannot make immediate or opportunity attacks.
All of Xigbar’s ranged attacks with the arrowguns ignore cover, superior cover and concealment, but not total concealment.
Alignment Evil Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +24; Bluff +22; Insight +23; Nature +23; Perception +23; Stealth +24; Streetwise +21
Str 20 (+16) Dex 26 (+19) Wis 24 (+18)
Con 21 (+16) Int 21 (+16) Cha 22 (+17)
Equipment 2 Arrowguns

Shadow Sniper

Xigbar's loyal cohorts, they carry weapons that look more like crossbows, but fires bolts of light instead of regular bolts. They are constantly hovering about in the air-- grabbing the air as if it were ground and dragging itself along as though it were treading through water.

Shadow Sniper
Level 20 Elite Artillery
Medium Shadow Humanoid
XP 5,600
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +20; Low-light Vision
HP 332; Bloodied 166
AC 34; Fortitude 27, Reflex 33, Will 27
Saving Throws +2
Speed 3; Fly 6 (hover); Teleport 4
Action Points 1
BasicRanged.png Snipegun (standard; at-will)
+27 vs. AC; Ranged 10/20; 2d6 +7 damage
Ranged.png Double Snipe (standard; at-will)
The Shadow Sniper can make two Snipegun attacks against two different targets. If both attacks hit, the Sniper can teleport its speed.
Close.png Multi-Snipe (standard; encounter)
+23 vs. Reflex; Close Burst 10; Cannot be warped; 4d10 +7 damage, and the target is dazed (stunned on a critical hit – save ends).
Warp Snipe
The Shadow Sniper’s shots can be redirected to a different direction, meaning that it doesn’t need direct line of sight to hit the target, but must have line of effect where the bullet faces to hit the target.
All of the Shadow Sniper’s ranged attacks with the snipegun ignore cover and concealment, but not superior cover or total concealment.
Alignment Evil Languages ---
Str 17 (+13) Dex 24 (+17) Wis 21 (+15)
Con 20 (+15) Int 18 (+14) Cha 17 (+13)
Equipment Snipegun

Lestus, the Proud

A charismatic figure with an unusual placement amongst the ten. He, like Exarnia, utilize the energies of Radiance instead of necromantic energies. Because of their unusual backgrounds, Lestus is essentially a proud fighter. He is especially dangerous towards defenders or characters who mark him or his cohorts.

Lestus, the Proud
Level 25 Elite Soldier (Leader)
Medium Immortal Humanoid
XP 14,000
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +16; Low-light Vision
Shield of Prayers aura 3; Any non-shadow creature than enters the aura that is marked takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls against Lestus or any other ally within the aura.
HP 516; Bloodied 258
AC 43; Fortitude 33, Reflex 29, Will 32
Resist 10 Radiant; Vulnerable Marked (Shield of Prayers becomes inactive until the mark lifts)
Saving Throws +2 (+5 against dazed & dominated)
Speed 7; Fly 3 (hover)
Action Points 1
BasicMelee.png Brilliant Greatsword (standard; at-will) ♦ Radiant, Weapon
+32 vs. AC; 2d8 +9 damage, plus ongoing 10 Radiant damage (save ends).
Melee.png Dual Strike (standard; at-will) ♦ Radiant, Weapon
Lestus makes two basic attacks against one or two different targets. If both attacks hit, the target takes an additional 2d8 damage and is marked until the end of his next turn.
Ranged.png Fond of Brilliance (standard; at-will) ♦ Radiant
+30 vs. Fortitude; Ranged 5; 3d8 +9 Radiant damage, and the target is marked (save ends). If the target is already marked, the target is dazed. Miss: Half damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).
Close.png Light of the Way (standard; recharge when dividing crown is used) ♦ Radiant
+28 vs. Fortitude; Close Burst 4; 4d10 +9 Radiant damage, and the target is stunned (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 Radiant damage (save ends).
Area.png Runeshield Aftermath (standard; recharge after an ally uses runeshield shatter; encounter) ♦ Healing, Radiant
+28 vs. Fortitude; Area Burst 3; 5d10 +9 Radiant, and the target suffers a -3 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is marked until the end of his next turn. Effect: Each ally in burst regains 25 hit points.
Close.png Shield of Oath (immediate interrupt, when lestus is hit by a critical)
Close Burst 4; Each enemy in burst takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls against him until the end of his next turn. In addition, all allies in burst gain a +2 bonus to defenses until the end of his next turn.
Critical Uprising
Whenever Lestus scores a critical hit with any of his melee attacks, he gains an extra action point-- which must be used before the end of the encounter.
Dividing Crown (immediate reaction, when hit by a critical melee attack; 1/ round)
Lestus takes half the damage and channels the rest to the nearest ally (except a minion).
Mark of Resolve
While Lestus is marked, he gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against the target that marked him.
Radiant Passage (move)
Must not be marked; Lestus can shift up to 3 squares and makes a melee basic attack against any enemy he ends his move adjacent to.
Runshield Spawn (minor; encounter)
Lestus can spawn a Runeshield Minor, or 2 Runeshield Minions within 5 squares of him. If Lestus is bloodied, he can spawn a Runeshield Shadow as long as he is not marked.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech
Skills Athletics +24; Diplomacy +20; Endurance +24; Insight +23
Str 24 (+29) Dex 21 (+17) Wis 23 (+18)
Con 25 (+19) Int 21 (+17) Cha 20 (+17)
Equipment Brilliant Energy Greatsword +5, Heavy Shield, Plate Armor

Runeshield Cohorts

Runeshields are Lestus's cannon fodders that have similar dispositions by striking against those who challenge them. They, essentially, accept the challenge graciously-- attacking with determined strength.

Runeshield Shadow
Level 20 Elite Soldier
Medium Shadow Humanoid
XP 5,600
Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)
Runeshield Minor
Level 20 Soldier
Medium Shadow Humanoid
XP 5,600
Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)
Runeshield Minion
Level 20 Elite Minion
Medium Shadow Humanoid
XP 5,600
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)

Sophyia, the Emerald Archer

Sophyia, the Emerald Archer
Solo Artillery (Leader)
Medium Fey Humanoid
Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)

Emerald Shadows

Shagun, the Freelancer

Yuni of the Blood Moon

Axel, the Fire Blazer

Gambit, the Lucktwister

Exarnia, the Whiteflame Cleric

Iolan, Necromancer of Time

Template:4e Creatures Breadcrumb

AuthorXeadin +
Identifier4e Monster +
RatingUnrated +
TitleDark Travellers +