Lesser Firespitter (4e Monster)

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Author: Szlovi (talk)
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Lesser Firespitter (4e Monster)

The Lesser FIrespitter is essentially a fireball with a mouth and arms, it just kind of floats around.

Lesser Firespitter
Level 5 Artillery
Medium Elemental Creature (Fire)
XP 200
Initiative +5 Senses +5 Perception
HP 90; Bloodied 45
AC 17; Fortitude 13, Reflex 17, Will 15
Immune Disease, poison, petrification Resist 10 fire vulnerable 10 ice
Saving Throws +0
Speed Fly 8 (hover)
Action Points 0
Area Burst Fireball (Standard, at will) ♦ fire
Primary Target: Burst 3 within 10, +9 vs Reflex, 2d8 fire damage, ongoing 5 fire dmg.
Wavering Flame (Move, At-will)
The lesser firespitter can shift 5 squares
Special Raging Inferno (encounter, When first bloodied) ♦ fire
The Firespitter can make 4 fireball attacks.
Alignment Neutral Languages Primordial
Skills Fireball, Wavering flame, Raging Inferno
Feats none
Str 5 (+2) Dex 10 (+5) Wis 5 (+3)
Con 6 (+3) Int 6 (+4) Cha 4 (+2)

Lesser Firespitter Tactics

Lesser firespitters will often try to keep their distance, attempting to circle around their targets.

Lesser Firespitter Lore

A character knows the following information with a successful check.

DC 15: Lesser Firespitters are usually followed by Firespitters, so if one is spotted, there are likely more coming.
DC 20: Although they don't need to eat, Lesser Firespitters can be often won over with gifts of ember pie, a rare primordial delicacy.
DC 25: Lesser Firespitters are often used as shock troops by larger primordials.

Encounter Groups

You usually will find these guarding large fortresses in the Elemental Chaos

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AuthorSzlovi +
Identifier4e Monster +
RatingUnrated +
TitleLesser Firespitter +