4e Epic Tier Feats

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Epic Feats: Epic feats are available to characters of Epic tier only, and represent feats of superhuman standard.

Name Prerequisites Benefit
Chain Power Psionic Augmentation class feature Augment power to affect secondary target within range
Chaotic Spell Recall Any one abyssal heritor feat, Daemonic ancestry. 1/Day, spend an action point to regain a daily spell.
Conflagration Azer, warding flame racial power Warding flame causes ongoing 5 fire damage
Deadly Scourge Str 19, Gnoll Critical hit with flail dazes target and deals ongoing damage, hits adjacent targets
Demonic Skin Demonic Ancestry. Gain a +1 racial bonus to your AC.
Dominating Shout Cha 19, derro, scream of insanity racial power Scream of insanity dominates one target
Earth Master Arcane Monk, Stonefist Flurry of Blows Increase the damage of your flurry greatly
Elemental Protection 21st level, Arcane Monk, Spell Source Gain resistance to your spell source’s power
Empowered Healing Melody Songweaver, Healing Melody power, Wis 19 Roll d8's rather than d6's for your Healing Melody power.
Eyes of the Abyss Demonic Ancestry. Gain darkvision, and a bonus to perception skill checks equal to the number of abyssal heritor feats that you posess.
Flame Master 21st level, Arcane Monk, Flaming Flurry of Blows The range of your flurry of blows power improves.
Frost Master 21st level, Arcane Monk, Chilling Flurry of Blows Your flurry of blows creates a zone to make opponents fall prone.
Harmonious Action Songweaver Regain the use of a songweaver encounter power when you use an action point.
Highborn Drow Drow, Drow. Gain Levitate as a Lolthtouched racial power.
Improved Levitation Drow, Drow, Highborn Drow Levitate 6 squares instead of 4.
Improved Unarmored Defense 21st level, Arcane Monk, Unarmored Defense Your bonus to AC improves greatly
Inspiriting Healing Melody Songweaver, Healing Melody power, Wis 19 you can heal two targets with your Healing Melody power.
Keen Scimitar Dervish, Str 17, Dex 17 Increased critical rate with scimitars.
Kibeth's Defense Songweaver, Wis 17 Grant a +1 bonus to AC and reflex when you slide an ally.
Master Weaver Arachnomancer Omit squares from your area or close arachnomancer powers.
Maximize Spell Ability to use one or more Arcane powers. Maximized damage to one target, as if a Critical Hit
Precognitive Visions Demonic Ancestry. Gain a number of bonuses equal to 1 + 1 per 2 abyssal heritor feats that you possess.
Quicken Spell Ability to use one or more Arcane powers. Cast spell as a Minor Action
Reliable Healing Melody Songweaver, Healing Melody power, Wis 19 When you use your Healing Melody power, you can roll the dice roll the extra hit points granted twice and use the highest total.
Song of Recovery Songweaver, Cha 19 Once per encounter, you can grant an ally the use of their second wind.
Song of Revival Songweaver, Wis 19 Adjacent allies gain a +5 bonus to death saving throws.
Song of Swift Healing Songweaver, Wis 17 Adjacent allies use second wind as a minor action.
Staggering Critical Ability to score a critical hit with a weapon group on the roll of 19-20. When you make a critical hit, the target of the attack is slowed.
Storm Master 21st level, Arcane Monk, Windgust Flurry of Blows You can shift after using your flurry of blows power.
Thunder Master 21st level, Arcane Monk, Thundering Flurry of Blows You deal additional lightning damage on critical hits.
Titan Form Str 19, andugr, expansion racial power Use titan form as an encounter power
Unarmed Mastery 21st level, Arcane Monk, Unarmed Combatant Inflict criticals on a roll of 19-20 with your unarmed strike.
Visions of Fresh Rubber Dex 14, Half-Shoe Gives Tremorsense in certain scenarios
Wave Master 21st level, Arcane Monk, Tidalfist Flurry of Blows The range of your flurry of blows power improves

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