Censure of missed opportunity (4e Avenger Variant)

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Author: Jonathan (talk)
Date Created: 26 december 2017
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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You can use the following class features in place of the Censure of retribution. If you use this variant, you gain the following class features in place of those class features.

Censure of missed opportunity description (Avenger Variant)

Instead of suffer for the greater cause, this censure is more orriented about punishing the lack of valor in your ennemis and force them to figth fair because you strike with more determination after each missed attack again you. You still want to isolate your target but now, your foe must face your alone

Censure of missed opportunity feature

This feature count the same way as censure of retribution in the way of using the powers and feat requirement but for paragon path and epic destiny requirement.

Option effect

censure of missed opportunity: When any enemy adjacent to your oath of enmity target or your oath of enmity target miss you with a melee attack, you gain a bonus to damage rolls against your oath of enmity target equal to your Intelligence modifier until the end of your next turn. This bonus is cumulative for a maximum of three time.

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AuthorJonathan +
Identifier4e Avenger Variant +
RatingUnrated +
TitleCensure of missed opportunity +