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Rolling Base Stats (Die Pool) Variant

This way of rolling stats is simple. Roll 18d6. Keep each die roll separate. Thus, if you ruled three 1s, three 2s, three 3s, three 4s, three 5s, and three 6s, that is your stat poll. Each die represents an effort of training done in the characters early life. From this pool, you create six sets of three dice. The amount of each dice set is an amount you can use for a stat. The following are possible combinations that you could choose if you rolled the above die pool:

[(1,1,1),(2,2,2),(3,3,3),(4,4,4),(5,5,5),(6,6,6)] giving your choices for allocating stats to be [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18]. This is not an efficient allocation though.

[(1,5,4),(1,5,4),(1,5,4),(3,4,4),(3,3,4),(6,6,6)] giving your choices for allocating stats to be [10, 10, 10, 11, 10, 18]. This looks more like an average character with one supped up stat. Also not viable. Still, from it, tradeoffs can be made. For instance, trading a 6 for a 4 so you get one 10 to a 12 and the 18 to a 16.