Talk:Deformity, Unhinged Jaw (3.5e Feat)

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Revision as of 20:12, 9 April 2023 by Pinecone (talk | contribs)
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Soo, here's some things I noticed:

You mention an increase in bite damage, but if you have none do you gain it? Also, what about size? I suggest changing the sentence to say that you gain a bite attack (maybe a feral strike?) and the damage based on a Medium sized creature.

The swallo mechanics seems mlre complicated than usual: normally you just swallow if you succeed on the grapple.

The cut open + Fortitude save is complicated and probably unnecessary: usually the creature has a minimum damage threshold you need to inflict to escape.

The digestion part is complicated: the hampering in movement could be -5 or 10 feet, the HP gained are temporary, right?

Now I'll go to the other related article. --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 23:37, 2 April 2023 (UTC)

I am happy that I got some input on this idea.
It did not cross my mind that I needed to clarify the bite but it make sense to give them one first and maybe as a bonus if they already have one, just make it got up a dice.
For the swallowing, I was having a hard time trying to come up with draw backs for it. it felt too easy to eat them even if it took 3 turns. But, I would like to see how others feel about it. If they think it is fine, I don't mind removing it.
The fortitude is the same reason why I added all that swallowing text, just to make it harder for the person trying to eat them. If people feel it is fine with out it, I don't mind removing it.
I was just so worried that this ability might be too strong. I am open to people editing this article. I mainly just wanted to get this idea out and into the open since I was thinking about it. Just some person cutting their cheeks open more to make a crazy bite like a snake.
Please don't feel scared to edit it Bluez --Pinecone 16:18, 3 April 2023 (PST)
I can suggest some changes in a more ordered manner later. --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 06:50, 4 April 2023 (UTC)
On it once I am back home. If after there is anything else that can be fixed, just say so. --Pinecone 9:19, 4 April 2023 (PST)
Ok, so here are my suggestions:
Bite: "you gain a bite attack which deals bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage equal to a shortsword of your size. If you already have a bite attack increase its damage die by one step instead".
Swallow: just give the swallow whole ability. If you want, make it so that only a creature two size smaller can be swallowed and make it so that stomach mouth feat allows the swallowing of creatures one size smaller. Determine a minimum damage the swallowed creature must deal to free itself. Maybe remove the speed decrease from the digestion paragraph and add it here, making it so that when you swallow a creature all your movements are decrease by 10 feet, down to 5 feet minimum (so that it won't leave you with a 0 ft speed).
The's complicated. If it starts as soon as the creature is swallowed, it means that each round the creature will try to escape, which means you will be rolling for hours, which is tedious. If the digestion happens only when the creature is dead, then its easier, but I don't understand if it gives hp equal to the digested creature's current hp (which would 0 anyway because it would be dead) and if this bonus is permanent. I hope it's not, because it would be very broken. I suggest maybe just a heal effect for a value equal to the creature's HD, or Con score.
Sorry I haven't still looked at the other feat, but some of my thoughts are valid for that one too. This is how I would do it, let me know what do you think. --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 21:14, 4 April 2023 (UTC)
I like the idea for the bite. quick and easy to understand.
I was debating on just giving them the swallow whole ability but I was not sure how useful that would :::::be for a medium sized characters. But it would make stomach mouth look more appealing along with grow person.
For the rolling for hours, that is why I made them take damage every turn they are in to kill them off faster instead of :::::having to roll for hours on end.
My main reason for adding the digestion was to figure out a way on how long it will take them to eat another creature.
I meant them to be temporary HP, I will change it once I get all the info I need for a good overhaul. That was my mistake. :::::Just make them last for an hour seems good enough. I don't mind using CON score for it instead.
--Pinecone 9:40, 5 April 2023 (PST)
Okay, I did some of the edits that was said but just going to wait till more things are cleared up and figured out. My
Friend said I should make it just a basic healing effect instead of temporary hit points since you can gain a lot of them ::::::fast with it. And since Digestion ( at the moment) takes so long, using the creatures HP should be fine for how much ::::::healed instead of using CON.
I am still curious on what you think Blue and what is the best way to balance it. I am all ears to make this work.
--Pinecone 13:11, 9 April 2023 (PST)