User:Leziad/Awakened Witch
Awakened Witch
The witch is largely a powerful class thanks to its access to powerful hexes. However the hex list leave somewhat to be desired, with only a few hexes ever being worth it. The awakened witch makes little changes to the witch itself, instead focusing on changing some hexes.
- Class Skill: A witch adds both Perception and Sense Motive to her list of class skills.
- Patron Spells: A witch no longer gain access to her patron spells at a set level, instead she always counts as knowing any patron spells of any levels she can cast. She may convert prepared spell into her a patron spell of an equal level or lower spontaneously. If a witch becomes a spontaneous caster, she merely adds her patron spells to her list of spell known whenever she gain access to a new spell level.
- Cackle: The cackle hex becomes a class feature gained at 3rd level. It can be taken as an hex normally by classes other than the witch.
- Spells: An awakened witch adds the following spell to her witch spell list: prestidigitation (cantrip), food and water (cantrip), polypurpose panacea (1st), make whole (2nd), greater make whole (4th), fabricate (5th), time stop (9th).
- Favored Class: Witches of any races may select 1/6th of an hex as a favored class bonus.
New Class Features
Communal Hex (Ex): At 7th level, an awakened witch may share the effect of hexes normally which only affect herself to another creature with a touch. The touched creature is affected by the hex, just as the witch for as long as they remain in contact.
Witch's Hexes
A list of new and revised witch's hex can be found here.
Witch's Patron
- Independent Witch: Instead of relying on otherworldly beings, some witches gain their power through the teaching passed down by ancient witches or through an helpful spirit that took the form of their familiar. These witches do not gain a patron from a list of patron. Instead she chooses a single 1st level spell on the witch list to be her 1st level patron spell, repeating the process whenever she gain access to a new spell level. This prevents the witch from accessing spells outside of her spell list with her patron, but grants her more flexibility with her patron spells.
- Flames: 2nd— burning disarm; 4th— scorching ray; 6th— fireball; 8th— wall of fire; 10— flame strike; 12th— furious fire barrage; 14th— fire storm; 16th— incendiary cloud; 18th— meteor swarm.
New Feat
Intense Research [General]
Prerequisites: Independent witch class featureBenefit: Choose an additional patron spell of any level you have access to.
Witching Lore [General]
You follow strange tradition than typical witches, having access to rare spells.Prerequisites: Independent witch class featureBenefit: Choose a number of spells from the druid or sorcerer/wizard equal to your key casting ability modifier (usually Intelligence). When you selects your independent patron spell, you may choose one of the chosen spells instead of one of her witch spells.