User:Aarnott/Lego Bin 6
This build assumes the use of Cross-Style Training. If you read this and have any ideas of how I can improve it, please let me know!
Monk of the Passive Way 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Fighter 1/Psychic Warrior +1/War Mind 5/Crusader 1/War Mind+5/Knight 3/Fighter +1
32 point buy: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16 Cha 8
Alternate Class Features
- PB2 Monk Decisive Strike
- 1 - Exotic Weapon (Spiked Chain)
- 1h - Jotunbrud
- 1b - Cross-Style Training (Spiked Chain)
- 2b - Improved Trip
- 3 - Weapon Finesse
- 3b - Psionic Weapon
- 4b - Combat Reflexes
- 5b - Psionic Meditation
- 6 - Practiced Manifester (Warmind)
- 9 - Hold the Line
- 12 - Deep Impact
- 15 - Robilar's Gambit
- 18 - Power Attack
- 18b - Mounted Combat
- 20b - Deft Opportunist
Thicket of Blades
I assume power retraining is allowed. Otherwise the build is really weak until War Mind 2 or so.
- Psywar 1 - Expansion (will retrain to something else when warmind takes this)
- Psywar 2 - Inertial Armor (will retrain to something else when warmind takes this)
- War Mind 1 - Expansion (Psywar retrains to Force Screen)
- War Mind 2 - Inertial Armor (Psywar retrains to Catfall)
- War Mind 3 - Thicken Skin
- War Mind 4 - Hustle
- War Mind 5 - Psionic Lion's Charge
- War Mind 6 - ?
- War Mind 7 - ?
- War Mind 8 - Psionic Freedom of Movement
- War Mind 9 - Steadfast Perception
- War Mind 10 - ?
Improving the Build
Spiritual_Weapon_(3.5e_Feat) can reduce MAD significantly. Swap weapon finesse for it.
Alternate Build Idea
Trade 5 War Mind levels for 5 Psionic Weapons Master levels. This gives Wisdom to the number of AoOs you can do in a round. You can also trade the second fighter level for a 6th Psionic Weapons master level so that you still have 8th level Warmind manifesting.
Requires: Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Psionic Dodge, and Weapon Focus by level 12 (yuck)
Halfling Skiprock Master
Fighter 4/Warblade 1/Master Thrower 1/Bloodstorm Blade 2/Master Thrower +4/War Mind 5/Exotic Weapons Master 1/Bloodstorm Blade +2
Race: Strongheart halfling (Or human if EXP penalties are in effect)
Ability Scores: Str 13, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8
- Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Halfling Skiprock)
- Point Blank Shot 1h
- Two-Weapon Fighting 1b
- Weapon Focus (Halfling Skiprock) 2b
- Rapid Shot 3
- Power Attack 4b
- Improved Two-Weapon Fighting 6
- Quick Draw 6b
- Wild Talent 9
- Snatch Arrows 11b
- Greater Two-Weapon Fighting 12
- Iron Heart Aura 15
- Stormguard Warrior 18
- Improved Precise Shot 19b
(I'd like to fit practiced manifester in here -- need to check if stormgaurd warrior can be taken as a fighter bonus feat)
- Offensive Precognition -- a useful buff to increase your attack rolls if needed.
- Compression -- more bonuses to attack rolls. Plus, being tiny is fun.
- Hustle -- It is just a good power.
Level 6 Highlights
- Attack routine can be: +2/+2/+2/-3/-3 (before other modifiers like enhancement, dex, etc).
- With halfling bonuses, dex, weapon focus, point blank shot: +11/+11/+11/+6/+6
- Each attack uses 2 skiprocks (so they hit twice and each bounce)
Level 12 Highlights
- Have the option to power attack with skip rocks
- Attack routine is: +8/+8/+8/+3/+3/-2/-2 (before other modifiers like enhancement, dex, etc).
- With halfling bonuses, dex, weapon focus, point blank shot: +18/+18/+18/+13/+13/+8/+8
- These attacks can all be made against touch AC
Level 20 Highlights
All attacks use a single +1 flaming frost shock corrosive seeking Collision speed skiprock pumped to +5 with a fully augmented Dorjes of Metaphysical Weapon. (need to add extra attack for speed and adjust damage for collision).
- Dexterity: 36 (20 base + 5 levels + 5 tome + 6 item)
- Using Compression, Dexterity is 38
- Attack Routine: +38/+38/+38/+33/+33/+28/+28/+23 (+13 dex, +1 halfling, +1 size, +5 weapon, +2 feats, -4 rapid shot * TWF)
- These attacks are considered melee attacks in addition to ranged attacks (Thunderous Throw) and allow power attacking.
- They are also touch attacks.
- If you expend a maneuver, you can have your super rock return to your hand after each attack in the routine.
- Against a single target there are a few ways to go about attacking:
- 1. Power attack right away. Against a touch AC of 20, this will deal (1 weapon + 4d6 elemental enhancements + 20 power attack) x2 Palm Throw, per attack. This equals 70 on average per attack or 374.5 DPR.
- 2. Use Stormguard Warrior to get a +5 unnamed bonus to damage for each touch attack that hits in one round for the next round. These thouch attacks don't deal damage. Against a touch AC of 20, this will deal (1 weapon + 4d6 elemental enhancements + 40 stormguard warrior) x2 Palm Throw, per attack. This is 110 average damage per attack or 440 DPR (880 damage in the second round).
- 3. Combine Stormguard Warrior with power attack. Against a touch AC of 20, this will deal (1 weapon + 4d6 elemental enhancements + 40 stormguard warrior + 20 power attack) x2 Palm Throw, per attack. This is 150 average damage per attack or 401.25 DPR (802.5 damage in the second round).
- Option 3 may seem worse, but it is really a matter of the enemy's touch AC. Against a high touch AC, Stormguard Warrior will allow you to deal high damage per round. Against a low touch AC, combining power attack and Stormguard Warrior should yield better results. Against low touch AC, low HP opponents, a straight up power attack should be suffiecient to just finish them off in the first round.
- The build really shines when there are two adjacent targets:
- Whenever a halfling skiprock hits an opponent, it ricochets against an adjacent target with the same attack roll modifiers -2.
- Two For One Blow with the master thrower can allow him to take a -4 to attacks to hit an adjacent target in addition to the original target.
- Thunderous Throw (Bloodstorm Blade) + Sweeping Strike (Warmind) allows an attack to target a square adjacent to the original target.
- Here is what will happen (assuming all the attacks hit). The two skiprocks hit the original target (Palm Throw). They trigger Two For One Blow and Sweeping Strike, hitting the adjacent target once each (possibly twice, it is a tricky ruling issue). The skiprocks ricochet and hit the adjacent target twice. This means each attack hits the initial target twice and the adjacent target four times (or six times depending on the ruling).
- There are different ways to abuse this. If you can get an ally to be adjacent to a creature, you can target your ally with all of your attacks using Stormguard Warrior. This will mean you can get a +80 damage bonus on each attack the next round against the target, instead of the normal +40 (760 DPR without power attack, 920 DPR with power attack and a low touch AC).
- Note if the ruling gives 6 extra attacks, that is a +120 damage bonus (1080 DPR without power attack, 1240 DPR with power attack and a low touch AC).
- Using a bag of tricks can get you a
victimservant to get in close and take those initial rock throws. - With the Exotic Weapon Master's ability to throw freely in melee, and depending on the DM (the rules are shaky at best here), you could go adjacent to a target and use Stormgaurd Warrior on yourself bouncing the rocks onto the enemy.