Talk:Witch Slayer (3.5e Feat)

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Revision as of 21:33, 11 December 2011 by Tarkisflux (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Thoughts== This is a nicer form of Mage Slayer from CA, but seems to have rolled all of the other related feats into one package. Which is a bit weird, particularly the ignorin...")
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This is a nicer form of Mage Slayer from CA, but seems to have rolled all of the other related feats into one package. Which is a bit weird, particularly the ignoring defenses part. Miss chance from a spell is ignored, even if that spell has been made permanent, but a miss chance from gear is not. I'm not sure why spell buffs get to be cleared but not item buffs. It's also available as soon as the sorts of effects it's intended to counter, which I'm not a particular fan of but might be as intended. I also think it's weird that ignoring spell based AC bonuses is even in there, given your concern with people auto-hitting and the need for these sorts of bonuses to keep up your AC in general.

I'd consider dropping that section entirely, and redoing Pierce Magical Concealment for the miss chance stuff (which only really needs to drop the blind-fight prereq, drop the CL loss, and work on all magical miss chances for me to be happy with it, but YMMV). Since that neuters a lot of this feat, I'd also consider dropping the BAB prereq to +1 and add in that taking a 5' step provokes attacks of opportunity if you cast a spell immediately afterwards, like taking a move action outside of a withdraw does. That damage could also be used to interrupt the casting. - Tarkisflux Talk 21:33, 11 December 2011 (UTC)