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Zapdos (3.5e Monster)

Revision as of 17:27, 16 December 2012 by Luigifan18 (talk | contribs) (Status change)

Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: December 15, 2012
Status: Feats needed
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Zapdos from FireRed/LeafGreen.
Size/Type: Medium Magical Beast (Electricity)
Hit Dice: 16d10+48 (145 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30 ft., 200 ft. fly (average)
Armor Class: 29 (+4 Dex, +12 natural, +3 deflection), touch 17, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+19
Attack: Peck +19 melee (2d8+4 plus potential item theft) or talon +19 melee (1d8+3 plus 1d4 electricity) or wing +14 melee (1d8+1 plus 1d6 electricity) or bite +14 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d10 electricity plus item theft)
Full Attack: Peck +19 melee (2d8+4 plus potential item theft) and 2 talons +19 melee (1d8+3 plus 1d4 electricity) and 2 wings +14 melee (1d8+1 plus 1d6 electricity) and bite +14 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d10 electricity plus item theft)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Peck, Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Pluck, AncientPower, Discharge
Special Qualities: Electric Pokémon Traits, Flying Pokémon Traits, Electric Static Guard, Detect, Charge, Agility, Pressure, improved uncanny dodge, immune to electricity, spell resistance 26, spell dampening 2
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +8
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 19, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 21
Feats: Epic DodgeB, Improved Initiative (1 HD),
Environment: Places with abundant electricity
Organization: Solitary (only one known to exist)
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 17-24 HD (Medium), 25-32 HD (Large), 33+ HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:

This spiky-winged yellow bird crackles with lightning. As it notices you, it slashes at thin air with its wings and cries out loudly in a threat display before taking off and assaulting you with thunderbolts.

One of Kanto's legendary birds, Zapdos has the form of a large bird with black and yellow plumage. Its spiky feathers make it appear to be made of lightning. Its tail feathers stick out in several directions, furthering this illusion. A large crest of feathers decorates its head, and distinctive black rings encircle its eyes. Its beak is very long and thin. While Zapdos is the smallest and lightest of the legendary birds, it is still a large Pokémon.[1]


Zapdos is the fastest of the legendary birds, and its offensive abilities are quite strong. It's defensively weak in comparison to its counterparts, but it can still take quite a bit of abuse. (In fact, its typing is (ironically) the defensively strongest out of the legendary bird trio, but this is less relevant in Dungeons and Dragons than in the Pokémon series.)

Electric Static Guard (Su): Zapdos has a deflection bonus to its AC equal to its Wisdom modifier.

Peck (Ex): Zapdos has a peck attack. This peck attack is considered an extra primary natural weapon (in addition to its talons), and peck attacks are considered to be a [Flying] effect even when Zapdos is on the ground.

Thundershock (Su): As a standard action, Zapdos may launch a spark of electricity as a ranged touch attack. If this attack connects, it does 2d8+5 electricity damage (the +5 is Zapdos's Charisma modifier). This is an [Electric] effect.

Thunder Wave (Su): As a standard action, Zapdos may launch a ray of electricity as a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target takes no damage, but it is numbed for 24 hours. Unlike most nondamaging touch attacks, this ability can score a critical hit (it threatens a critical hit on a natural 20 unless augmented). If it scores a critical hit, Thunder Wave still doesn't do damage, but it outright paralyzes its target for 2 rounds in addition to the numbing effect. (Boosting Thunder Wave's "critical multiplier" is allowed, but instead of causing any damage, it extends the paralysis duration for 1 round per +1 multiplier increase; thus, a ×3 critical paralyzes for 3 rounds, a ×4 critical paralyzes for 4 rounds, etc.) This is an [Electric] effect, and its threat range is increased by 2 increments (by default, from natural 20 only to 18-20) when used on creatures vulnerable to electricity or [Electric] effects (such as Gyarados).

Detect (Ex): Zapdos has Epic Dodge as a bonus feat (even though it's not actually an epic-level creature). It also has improved uncanny dodge. Finally, Zapdos may gain improved evasion, mettle, and a +20 resistance bonus to AC and all saving throws for 1 round as an immediate action usable at will. Attempting to use this ability multiple times in quick succession (without allowing an entire round to pass in between uses) causes it to incur a cumulative 10% failure chance, which lasts until it stops spamming Detect or the ability fails to work.

Pluck (Ex): When Zapdos hits with its peck or bite attack, it may make a free disarm or sunder attempt (at its option) without provoking an attack of opportunity, gaining a bonus on its opposed attack roll based on the damage dealt by its attack (half of the damage dealt if a peck, equal to the damage dealt for a bite). The bonus is based on the actual damage dealt, not the damage roll. If the target was attempting to consume a use-activated consumption-based item (like a potion or goodberry) when Zapdos attacked it, Zapdos steals the effect of that item for itself. This is a [Flying] effect.

AncientPower (Su): Once per three rounds, Zapdos can telekinetically launch up to 3 chunks of stone within 100 feet. These are launched as ranged attacks at separate targets, and, if at least as large as a Medium character, deal 6d6 damage each. Furthermore, upon activation, Zapdos gains a +1 enhancement bonus to natural armour and to all ability scores for the next five minutes. Using AncientPower while the bonus is still in effect improves the bonus by 1 (to a maximum of +6 total for natural armor and each ability score) and resets the duration - Zapdos knows to throw random rocks around every minute or so just to keep the bonuses at the maximum. This is a [Rock] effect.

Charge (Su): As a swift action, Zapdos may build up an electrical charge. This increases the save DC of its next [Electric] effect by 4; if an attack roll is made instead of allowing a save, the attack roll gains a +4 bonus instead. In either case, if the [Electric] effect is damaging, it does double the damage that it otherwise would.

Agility (Su): Zapdos may act as if hasted for a number of rounds per day equal to Zapdos's hit dice plus its Charisma modifier. This ability can be activated or suppressed as a free action.

Discharge (Su): As a standard action usable once every 1d3 rounds, Zapdos may emit a massive electrical discharge affecting all squares within 30 feet of it. All creatures in the area take 8d6 electricity damage, with a DC 23 Reflex save allowed for half (the save DC is Charisma-based). Creatures who fail the save by 5 or more are paralyzed. This is an [Electric] effect.

The damage dealt is 1d6 per 2 HD Zapdos has, and the range is equal to 30 feet per 10 HD.

Pressure (Su): Anyone who makes an attack against Zapdos must make a Will save vs. DC 23 after the attack is resolved. If they fail, they become fatigued for 3 rounds. If already fatigued, they become Exhausted instead. This applies to any harmful ability, whether it be a regular attack, a spell, a supernatural ability, or anything else that targets Zapdos or includes it in the area of effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

For reasons that will never be explained, Cranidos, Rampardos, Reshiram, Zekrom, White Kyurem, Black Kyurem, and some specimens of Pinsir are immune to this. Scholars and loremasters, if they even know of this, would be puzzled for many years.


Zapdos's spell resistance is equal to its HD + 10. Its spell dampening is equal to ((¼ Zapdos's HD (rounded down)) − 2). Starting at 24 HD, it has damage reduction/non-metal equal to 2 − (⅛ Zapdos's HD).

At 18 HD, Zapdos learns Roost (Ex). While on the ground, Zapdos can spend a full-round action to rejuvenate itself, as if refreshing maneuvers. Instead, however, Zapdos heals itself for a number of hit points equal to half of its current maximum, and also loses its Flying Pokémon traits until its next turn.

At 21 HD, Zapdos learns Light Screen (Sp). Using this technique, it may set up a mystical screen. This mystical screen is a flat, vertical plane that is exactly like a wall of force (and, like wall of force, is treated as a 5th-level spell), except for two key differences. First the area of the Light Screen is twice that of a wall of force (one 20-foot square per level). Second, a Light Screen doesn't actually prevent anything from passing through. Instead, it blunts the force of any magical attack (whether melee or ranged) that is initiated within the screen or passes through it, so that the damage it inflicts is cut in half (before applying other factors that might reduce the damage, such as spell dampening or energy resistance). Third, unlike a wall of force, a Light Screen can be suppressed by an antimagic field. The screen remains for 5 rounds, and Zapdos cannot set up a new Light Screen while it already has one in effect.

At 23 HD, Zapdos learns Drill Peck (Ex). The base damage of its peck attack becomes 4d10, and it may add one and a half times its Strength bonus to the damage (rather than simply adding its Strength bonus). The peck is still considered a [Flying] effect. This ability replaces the Peck ability.

At 26 HD, Zapdos learns Thunder (Su). This operates just like a Raichu's Thunder, except that Zapdos may use Thunder without any backup; by default, Zapdos is treated as though it had the support of 1 Pikachu per 3 HD plus 1 additional Pikachu per point of Charisma bonus when performing its Thunder attack. This is an [Electric] effect.

At 28 HD, Zapdos learns Rain Dance (Su). As a swift action, it may replicate the effects of the Drizzle feat (even though Zapdos isn't a Water-type Pokémon), except that Zapdos's rain ends after 5 rounds have passed.

At 31 HD, Zapdos learns Zap Cannon (Su). This potent attack, performed as a standard action, combines the qualities of Thundershock and Thunder Wave into a single devastating move. If it connects, it does 1d10 electricity damage per Hit Die Zapdos has plus Zapdos's Charisma modifier, and also numbs the target for 24 hours; on a critical hit, it also paralyzes the target for 2 rounds (plus 1 round per critical multiplier over ×2). The trouble is getting it to connect; while it is a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 100 feet, it has a −10 penalty to hit. (This penalty is not applied to a roll to confirm a critical hit.) This is an [Electric] effect.

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