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Talk:Electrical Torment (3.5e Feat)

Revision as of 08:23, 6 January 2014 by Tarkisflux (talk | contribs)

I'd make this VH since it allows even a cantrip to inflict a -4 penalty to the only way fighter types can be effective. --Ghostwheel (talk) 01:25, 6 January 2014 (UTC)

You already changed it, but I just wanted to second that motion. -4 is reasonably harsh for casting a 2nd level spell with other effects already (though you could scale the penalty with spell level if you wanted, like "a penalty equal to -(2 + spell's level)" or whatever). It's not RNG smashing as is or anything, but it's almost a reason to play a VH evoker / thug debuffer on its own from levels 3-9ish. The non-lethal conversion is just causality -> prisoner changes; interesting but not the actual meat of the feat's ability. - Tarkisflux Talk 05:24, 6 January 2014 (UTC)
Half level penalty reduces the range on a blasting spell to -1 to -5, and I'm not sure that's VH anymore in conjunction with the new Fort save. It turns lightning blaster mages into lightning blaster / debuffer mages, and that might only be H. I don't have a strong feat comparison for this sort of thing though so I'm not really making a strong argument here (it's no DMM or Dragon Wildshape, but it's hard to compare directly with Robilar's or Stand Still or Stormguard), just pointing it out. - Tarkisflux Talk 08:23, 6 January 2014 (UTC)
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