Living Candy (3.5e Template)
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Living Candy
Summary: A magic creature completely made from candy and sweets. Living candies, or candied creatures as they are sometimes called are magical constructs created by adding artificial life and magic to a bunch of delicious sweets to create a golem, or were once a normal creature that was turned into a walking desert by a curse or perhaps a magical party prank gone to far. Living candies tend to be rare due to most them end up getting eaten before the end of their first year or having their sweet curse lifted by a noble healer.
Creating a Living Candy
Living candy is an acquired template, though can be inherited in the case of living constructs and candy golems. It is applicable to any type of creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature) that is not already made completely of another substance, such as a stone golem and is not compatible with any other templates that change the base creatures material they are made of or internal structure from candy. Any templates that do are lost.
Size and Type
Type: "Candy" or "Candy Typing"
Subtype: "Type of Base Creature"
The size of the base creature does not change upon becoming a living candy, however a living candies size can be changed by being eaten or by having parts of them broken off. Do not recalculate the original base attack score, Saves or skill points from the base creature unless stated in the candy type sections below.
The base creatures primary type is changed to "Candy" and its original typing becomes its sub-type. If the living candy's body is mostly made of one type of candy, their typing changes from Candy to the type of candy they are mostly made of, for example "Chocolate" or "Ice Cream" or "Gingerbread". This means that a mostly chocolate living candy that used to be an Elf would be a "Chocolate Elf" for its type and sub-type accordingly. The base creature also becomes a construct and gains all benefits and downsides of being such. Any downsides of being a construct that would override the abilities of the base creature are ignored unless it specifically is overwritten by the type of candy they are made of.
Hit Dice
A living candy has its racial Hit Dice dropped to a D8 instead of a D10, and their class hit-dice dropped by one value, with exception to hard candies which have their racial and class hit dice unchanged.
A Living Candy's speed does not change from that of the base creature with exception to Crusty Candies. See Special Qualities.
Armor Class
A Living candy loses all natural armor bonuses it has as its base creature and if the base creature could use manufactured armor then it retains the ability to use it unless molten, in which it drops any armor it had equipped. A living candy can while molten continue to use armor if it was also made of candy.
A living candy retains the ability to use manufactured weapons as long as they are in a solid or semisolid like state, if a living candy becomes molten, they cannot use manufactured weapons and armor unless they are also made of candy. A living candy can while molten morph a part of their body into a weapon of their choice upon re-solidifying that can function as a normal weapon, but will also be bound to them and count as both their normal weapon in combat and their unarmed attack weapon.
Full Attack
A candy creature's full attack is not changed from that of the base creature.
Special Attacks
A living candy does not gain any special attacks by default, however certain typings do. See special qualities for more info.
Special Qualities
Depending on the living candies type, it gains the following benefits and abilities:
General or "Candy" Type
This special quality set applies to all living candies.
- A living candy has no Constitution score.
- A living candy gains Low-light vision.
- A living candy gains Darkvision out to 60 feet in full color.
- A living candy is immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
- A living candy is immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects.
- A living candy cannot heal damage on their own by resting or natural healing (with exception to regenerative abilities such as fast healing), but can heal any damage they take by adding more candy to them to increase their size or through the use of the Craft Construct feat to repair them.
- A living candy is not subject to critical hits, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion (with exception from taking physical attacks), or energy drain.
- A living candy is immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
- A living candy is not at risk of death from massive damage but immediately dies when reduced to 0 hit points or less (excluding non-lethal damage).
- If the base creature acquired the living candy template by being turned into living candy by some means, then it can still be resurrected or raised, however if the base creature inherited this template because it was made into living candy it was never alive in the first place and therefore cannot be raised or resurrected once killed. - A living candy does not need to sleep other than to restore spent spells per day or daily limited used abilities.
- A living candy does not have to eat or drink, but can still do so to gain beneficial effects, such as a hero's feast or negative effects if the living candy ever be careless.
- A living candy does not need to breathe therefore cannot be affected by positive or negative side effects caused by atmospheric conditions or drowning.
Edible (SU)
A living candy is edible to other creatures, including other living candies. If another creature makes a successful attempted grapple, they can attempt to eat the living candy as a standard action. This will cause the living candy to take the attacking creatures full bite damage and the attacking creature will gain their full bite damage back in health, (given they are capable of benefiting from potion effects) from devouring a part of the living candies magical essence that keeps them alive.
Special Immunity to Normal Weapons (SU)
A living candy is immune to normal weapon damage caused by being physically attacked because "breaking them apart" has no affect on their magical essence that stays with the largest piece. Instead physical attacks have a chance to reduce the candy persons size class if they do enough damage and deal non-lethal damage. This is not counted if the physical weapon that attacked them is magical. This is true for any type of physical attack, whether it be ranged or melee. If a candy person has been reduced to size-class Diminutive+, then they cannot be physically attacked even by magical weapons and if their HP is dropped to 0, they are rendered unconscious for 1 hour before their fast healing can start to heal them, though they are still able to be attacked by magic and any type of effect that has an Area of Effect, such as Alchemist's Fire. A living candy that has been rendered unconscious due to non-lethal damage that takes any attack that can hurt them, they will die instantly and without a save against death.
Special Immunity to Cold (SU)
A living candy does not take damage to its HP from cold-based attacks, even ones of a magical nature. Instead, cold based attacks damage their movement speed. If a living candies movement speed has been reduced to 0, they are rendered helpess, inanimate candy until their bodies are warmed back up to normal temperature.
Candy Regeneration (SU)
If you leave a living candy alone long enough it will start recovering the missing bits you bit off. A living candy has a fast healing equal to 1/2 its HD.
Size Change (SU)
A living candy, can as a standard action attempt to mutilate themselves in order to reduce their size by breaking parts of themselves off and tossing them to the side. If they are able to be melted, they can melt then re-solidify back into their original shape to "repair" their missing parts and still have full function as if they hadn't just broken off their own arm. Reducing in size has no affect on the living candies Hit Points as their life-force stays with the largest part of their body upon the time of breaking themselves.
A living candy can also increase their size by "reattaching" or "absorbing" the missing candy they broke off themselves prior or by "adding" more candy to themselves to make up for the lost mass. A living candy that makes themselves more than 50% one type of candy will have their typing change to that type of candy in the process if they add too much of one type and will have their abilities adjusted accordingly.
A living candy can also be reduced in size when taking an attack from a physical weapon, such as a sword strike or mace attack if they take more than 25% to 50% of their current health in damage from a single attack, or if the attacker is intending to "split them in half". if they damage they take is more than 50% of their current health, they will be reduced in size by 1 size class to a minimum of Diminutive+. after which they are impossible to be attacked by others (with exception to AoEs and spells) and incapable of fighting, but can still move and attempt to increase their size.
Weakness to Magic (SU)
A living candy's life-force is held together with magic, making them very sensitive to magical spells and effects that can potentially affect them. All spells that have a magnitude (i.e. do a dice value of damage, healing, etc) affect the living candy 50% more than normal as if the spell was cast with the Empower Spell Metamagic feat.
Hard Candies
A living candy made of 50% or more of hard, rock or bone like candies such as jawbreakers, rock candy, candy canes, lollipops, and peppermint sticks gains this typing instead of the general "Candy" Type. A living candy with this typing gains the following special qualities and abilities:
Hard Candy (SU)
- A hard candy gains a slam attack capable of dealing their unarmed attack plus their current number of HD in damage as a special attack. This can be compounded with any other slam attacks or power attacks the base creature had.
- A hard candy gains a +3 natural armor bonus from their hard body, this can be compounded with manufactured armor, given the base creature could use it.
- A hard candy's racial Hit dice is raised to a D10 instead of the standard living candy D8 racial hit dice.
Soft Candies
A living candy made of 50% or more of soft, gummy, gumdrop or fruit snack type candies gains this typing instead of the general "Candy" Type. A living candy with this typing gains the following special qualities and abilities:
Soft Candy (SU)
- A soft candy gains a swim speed equal to its land speed. - A soft candy has any fall damage they take reduced by 50%. - A soft candy gains a damage reduction of 1 pt per HD against water or force type spells. - A soft candy takes twice as much non-lethal damage from slashing weapons but half damage from bludgeoning weapons.
Divide! (SU)
A soft candy can as a free action when attacked by another creature by a slashing attack that deals 25% or more of their health in non-lethal damage they can divide into two living soft candies that act as one being with a single mind. The two new soft candies will have half of the max HP of the full living candy and -2 STR. They do not act as two separate entities as they are still the original soft candy that was divided, the two halves can act differently on the same action or combine efforts toward a single action, however if the two halves get further than 25 ft from each other, the living soft candy with the most health becomes the new single being and the one with less health dies instantly without save. If the two soft candies have the same health, flip a coin to see which one becomes the new being.
A divided soft candy can regain their lost Strength and HP by re-absorbing their dead other half if slain, eating enough candy to make up for the lost mass, or willingly re-merge with their living other half as a standard action. A soft candy will only increase in size by 1 size-class if they merge with another soft candy of the same size-class. for example, a size-medium + a size-medium soft candy will equal a size-large soft candy, or two size-small soft candies + a size-medium soft candy will equal a size-large soft candy.
A soft candy can also divide themselves of their own free will as a standard action.
A soft candy can also gain +2 STR and 50% more hit points if they consume an amount of soft candy equal to their weight at their normal size. They can then divide at that size into two soft candies at their original size, but with 75% of their normal HP.
A soft candy can only merge with another soft candy that they were originally part of their original form and cannot do so with another living candy unless both are willing to merge.
A soft candy can only divide themselves, merge together, or grow in size a up to a number of times equal to their HD divided by 3 from their normal size before any further division has no other beneficial effects. In the case that two separate being soft candies merge, this limit for fusing to grow in size is based on the HD of the strongest living candy.
Semi-Solid Candy Type
A living candy made of 50% or more of paste-like candies like chocolate, peanut butter, caramel, and heavy cream gain this typing instead of the general "Candy" Type. A living candy with this typing gains the following special qualities and abilities:
- A semi-solid candy takes 1 non-lethal damage from all piercing type physical attacks instead of normal damage and half damage from slashing and bludgeoning type physical attacks.
- A semi-solid candy takes twice as much damage from fire
Meltable (SU)
A semi-solid candy will melt against its will when exposed to hot temperatures that would otherwise just be unpleasant to normal creatures, such as the heat a desert or flame. When hit with a fire based attack, the soft candy takes the flame attacks normal damage as non-lethal damage to their strength stat. If their strength drops to 0, the semi-solid candy drops any and all non-candy items it was holding or had equipped and candy equipment is rendered unusable. The semi-solid candy can still move, act and cast spells while molten, takes a -20 on all climb checks, and has its movement speed halved; but becomes immune to all physical non-magical types of damage, including non-lethal physical damage. A molten semi-solid candy can make physical attacks, but they will only be able to do non-lethal damage with their basic damage dice for an unarmed attack (without the -5 do to having no strength).
A molten semi-solid candy can only reform back into their solid state if their temperature drops back to room temperature or lower and they can while at room temperature melt and reform at will as a standard action.
Stretchy Candy
A living candy made of 50% or more of stretchy candies like taffy, licorice or bubble gum gains this typing instead of the general "Candy" Type. A living candy with this typing gains the following special qualities and abilities:
Elasticity (SU)
A stretchy candy can extend any part of its body to up to 1/2 its HD its normal length, increasing their melee threat range.
Blow Bubble (SU)
A stretchy candy can gulp down large amounts of air into their body and inflate themselves into a bubble, allowing them to float along the surface of liquids and move at their land speed instead of their swim speed, or float in their air as if flying with poor maneuverability at their land speed. While blown into a bubble, the stretchy candy takes three times as much non-lethal damage from piercing attacks and any piercing attack made against them that connects ends the bubble form immediately. Blowing the bubble is a full round action.
Sticky (SU)
A stretchy candy can cling to walls and ceilings as if under the effects of the spider climb spell as a free action, but while climbing on walls and ceilings, they have their movement speed halved. They also gain a bonus to their grapple equal to their Hit Dice.
Cream Candy
A living candy made of 50% or more of creamy candies like ice cream, icing, honey or pudding gains this typing instead of the general "Candy" Type. A living candy with this typing gains the following special qualities and abilities:
- A cream candy takes 1/4th non-damage from all physical non-magical bludgeoning and slashing attacks, and non-magical piercing attacks only to 1 non-lethal damage.
- A cream candy takes 2 times as much damage from fire and acid
- A cream candy is completely immune to cold type attacks and environmental effects, they do not lose their speed when struck with cold attacks.
Living Liquid (SU)
Having an almost completely liquid form, a cream candy can squeeze through a space of any size up to 4 size-classes smaller than themselves, and can instantly pass any escape artist check, given they are not completely encapsulated inside of an object like a bottle, however they must make a balance check every time they stand on a grated or slotted surface, the DC being based on how open the grate is.
- DC 5 - almost entirely solid, woven canvas, baskets.
- DC 10 - mostly solid, closely ribbed mesh.
- DC 15 - moderately solid, tight wire-mesh grates
- DC 20 - moderately air, open mesh grates
- DC 30 - mostly air, fish nets
- DC 40 - almost entirely air, prison bars.
A cream candy cannot have any weapon proficiency, focuses, expertise or gain any strength or dexterity bonuses from using a non-candy weapon or armor, as it is slowly melting off of them.
Crusty Candy
A living candy made of 50% or more of crusty candies like crackers, gingerbread, cookies or wafers, gains this typing instead of the general "Candy" Type. A living candy with this typing gains the following special qualities and abilities:
- A crusty candy has their movement speed in all categories tripled.
Flat Body (SU): A crusty candy may be very detailed from the front and back, but is flattened from its side, this making it difficult for the living candy to bend and dodge from attacks, suffering a -5 to balance and a -2 to reflex saves but also counting as a size-class smaller than it actually is and two size-classes smaller when trying to "slide" itself through cracks, or between or under objects and a +5 bonus to hide checks when attempting to conceal itself behind or under and object.
Puffy Candy
A living candy made of 50% or more of puffy candies like cake, marshmallow, muffins or fluffy pastries gains this typing instead of the general "Candy" Type. A living candy with this typing gains the following special qualities and abilities:
Spongy (SU): A puffy candy takes 1/4th damage from bludgeoning damage and fall damage of any type and gains a +2 bonus to escape artist checks.
Caked (SU): a puffy candy can merge with another living candy of a different type, given both are willing as a standard action. the new living candy will share both the benefits of its original type and the spongy special ability, however any numeric values the other living candy's abilities had are halved and any immunizes it gained are reduced to 3/4 resistances. The two living candies will un-merge as soon as either one is no longer willing to be merged. Un-merging is also a standard action.
A living candy loses its constitution score as it is completely made of candy inside and out but gains the following scores based on its candy typing:
Hard Candies: +4 STR, -2 DEX
Soft Candies: +2 DEX, -2 STR
Stretchy Candies: +4 DEX
Semi-Solid Candies: +2 DEX, +2 CHA
Cream Candies: +2 INT, +2 WIS
Crusty Candies: +2 STR, +2 CHA, -2 DEX
Puffy Candies: +4 CHA, -2 STR
A living candy gains a racial bonus of +2 on diplomacy and bluff checks, given their opponent will take them seriously and a natural +8 bonus on concealment of an item if they hide items inside themselves.
See Special Qualities.
Can be any environment, though living candy tend to avoid a tropical or hot environment as they will melt easily.
Living candies tend to live in communities of their own kind in one place all the time, though some do tend to roam in pairs with a mate, or in groups up to a baker's dozen. They can occasionally be found solo but tend to stick together for strength in numbers to protect themselves from the non-candied world that would eat them as a snack. Living candies also tend to gather around the place of their making or locations that have or produce a lot of candy as they feel the most kin to their non-living brethren than they do real people.
Challenge Rating
3d20 chocolate coins and various types of assorted candies they were made of, plus whatever it was they were carrying.
Can be any alignment, but tend to be either neutral or lawful good if their purpose is to please and cater to the non-candied as servants or chaotic evil if they seek to turn the whole world candy like themselves or wish destruction upon the inferior non-candied world and the evil non-candies that devour their brethren without remorse.
No Advancement
Level Adjustment
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