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Helix Blade (3.5e Equipment)

Revision as of 20:25, 6 October 2018 by Enigma (talk | contribs)
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Author: Enigma (talk)
Date Created: 01-31-2018
Status: Prototype
Editing: Mechanical changes on talk, format editing okay.
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Helix BladeEdit

The Helix Blade uses the Functional Weapons of Legacy variant rule.

Helix Blade
Price: 5000
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level:
Aura: -- Moderate Transmutation DC 25
Activation: See Text
Weight: 2 lbs

The Helix Blade is a highly polished silver short sword. Two twisting blades intertwine from the base, meeting at the tip. Short razors connect the space between the two blades, forming the likeness of a strand of DNA.The hilt has an intricate spiral pattern. At first the Helix Blade counts as a +1 Alchemically-Inverse Silver short sword. Forged by a coalition of Biomancers and Elite Blacksmiths adapting recovered Xenotech, the Helix Blade was designed with the purpose of protecting biological life. For this purpose, it was given many weapons and tools that reflect those found in nature.

As various rituals are made and power is gained, the weapon starts taking on stronger powers. There are five rituals that are performed, they must be performed in order (the 2nd ritual must be completed before you start the 3rd, even if you achieve the 3rd level pre-requisites). Rituals cost gold (in the form of feeding the weapon raw materials) and xp, with an additional pre-requisite. Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the weapon displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the pre-requisites.

The Helix Blade is a unique magic item, on its way to becoming an artifact. While it has a price, it cannot be completely destroyed. If reduced to 0 hp, it instead gets absorbed into whatever organic organism was in contact with its hilt at the time it broke, and is unable to be used until it has healed, but is not destroyed as items usually are. It is treated as an artifact against the effects of mage's disjunction. While in stasis within someones body it recovers 1hp per long rest.

Omen: The arrangement and colour of the Helix Blade's razor components change to reflect a unique sequence of DNA from the species that has picked it up.

Prerequisites: N/A Cost to Create: Unique Item, can not be created

1st RitualEdit

Xeno-Absorption: The Helix Blade can be absorbed by the wielder's body, granting a +40 bonus on sleight of hand checks made to conceal it and allowing it wielder to draw and sheathe the weapon as a free action.

Enzyme coating 1 : Special Bio-Magical Enzymes cause your strikes to bypass hardness less than 5

Pre-Requisites: BAB +3. Must have submerged the Helix Blade in a natural body of water for 24 Hours, to charge the blade with the essence of life.

Cost: 2000 gp, 80 xp

2nd RitualEdit

Gene Knockout: Once per round you may choose to coat your blade with enhanced a Bio-Magical RNAi inducing substance causing the next strike you deal to a foe with the Helix Blade to cause a fortitude (the DC is Constitution based) save or face a silencing a sequence of his genetic code. You may choose to have them lose all racial ability bonuses, an extraordinary ability of your choice, or a Spell or Psi-like ability of your choice. On a successful save they are sickened for 3 rounds instead as a less vital gene sequence is silenced.

Knocked out genes come back in 1d8 +1 rounds.

Genetic Recombination: After slaying a foe, you may gain access to one of their extraordinary abilities for 10 minutes. Alternatively you may gain access to any abilities knocked out using the above ability. You may hold up to 2 'genes' at once from any source. Constructs and Undead are immune to this effect.

Enzyme Coating 2: You gain an additional Special set of Bio-Magical enzymes causing your strikes to bypass hardness less than 10

Pre-Requisites: BAB + 6 or INT 20. Must meditate with the Helix Blade absorbed into your body, to synchronize it's abilities with your body.

Cost: 8000 gp, 320 xp

3rd RitualEdit

Mitotic Regeneration: While wielding the Helix Blade you gain Fast Healing equal to half your HD

Enzyme Coating 3 : You gain an additional Special set of Bio-Magical enzymes causing your strikes to deal an additional causing your strikes to bypass hardness less than 15

Pre-Requisites: BAB + 9. You must drop below 50% HP while the Helix Blade is absorbed into your body, to kick start its emergency protective functions.

Cost: 18,000 gp, 720 xp

4th RitualEdit

Heartsense: Gain the ability to pinpoint all living, organic creatures within 100 feet while wielding the Helix Blade.

Enzyme Coating 4: You gain an additional Special set of Bio-Magical enzymes causing your strikes to bypass hardness less than 20

Pre-Requisites: BAB +12. You must make listen checks on creatures from 3 different orders to hear their heartbeat at a distance, in order for the blade to remember how to listen for life.

Cost: 32000 gp, 1280 xp

5th RitualEdit

Reincarnating Blow: You may choose to have any enemy slain by the Helix Blade to Reincarnate in one of two ways. One treat the slain enemy as if cocoon had been cast on him. You may have the effect of modify memory be applied to enemies regrown, except you may modify up to 10 minutes of memory split between the options as you choose (no save). The second way is you can cause the slain enemy to split into a swarm or swarms of tiny or smaller animals equal to the biomass of the original.(e.g a huge creature may produce 5 swarms and a medium only 2. These swarms are allied with you and will attack your enemies, but disperse after 10 minutes.

Enzyme Coating 5 [Hyper Kinase]: You gain an additional Special set of Bio-Magical enzymes. An opponent struck by the Helix Blade loses resistance to poison for 1d4 rounds. If struck again they also lose immunity to poison for 1d3 rounds.

CRISPR/Cas9 Cut: The blade's ability to knock genes in and out advances further, once per round you may activate the CRISPR/Cas9 cut ability. On a successful hit your opponent must make a fortitude save, if they fail they lose all abilities from any template or bloodline of your choice, and you can choose to have the benefits applied to yourself for 10 minutes. You may hold up to 4 genes from any source. If you strike an opponent who is already under the effect of Gene Knockout they have a -2 penalty to their check for each Knocked out gene.

Prerequisite: BAB +15 or Knowledge Nature 18 ranks. You must have offspring. Cost: 50000 gp, 2000 xp

6th RitualEdit

Hidden Potential: One of the Biomancer designers wrote in a hidden algorithm that given time unlocks amazing genetic abilities. The wielder of the blade may absorb it into their body, or by touching it to a willing creature gain or grant the Helix Blade Chosen Template. This template only stays active as long as the blade is within the creature.

Prerequisite: Must have used the Helix Blade for at least 5 years and dropped below 0 HP while wielding it. Cost: 10000 gp, 4000 xp

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