User talk:Enigma

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Van the Biomancer[edit]

My main character, he's currently level 6. A Half-Dusk Elf with a dream of becoming immortal. His test companion is a snake named Charlie he grew from scratch.

I don't expect anyone to be too interested in my characters, but I may slowly added them on here. I do have art of a lot of them so when they fit an article here I'll be glad to volunteer them.

A Half-Dusk Elf Biomancer.

Naomi the Biomancer[edit]


A Siren Biomancer.

Dr.Herman Physh the Biomancer[edit]


A Merling Biomamcer.

Dr.Physh taught Van Biomancy. He has a bit of a sub-specialization in Insects, Dr.Physh is an amazing researcher and has developed more spells and potion techniques than almost anyone else. His Test Subject is actually a swarm of enhanced beetles (Which use most of the stats of a hellwasp swarm)

= Dr.Jeevika Benthia[edit]

Dr.Benthia is the leader of one of the Four Biomancy schools in my world. She originally worked with Van on a special project when he started advancing in school, but ended up expelling him for a number of rule infractions including stealing a vial of mysterious "Xeno Blood" and creating an unauthorized clone of himself with Dr.Physh.

One of the 4 strongest Biomancers in the world.

Why, hello there.[edit]

Swung by your page after you reviewed my skill trick (it's since been improved by a volunteer) because I'm a petty little shit who doesn't do well with failure until I get some form of closure. As I'm sure you'd guess, I didn't find much, but what I did find caught my eye. So, allow me to take you up on that. I will ask you about your characters. I'd like to know more about them, they seem interesting. Then, if you'd like, I could share about a few of my own. Lord knows I've been aching to. -SecondDeath777 03:33, 4 February 2018

Hi, yeah I am new here so not much here. I don't even know how to format my character pictures here right yet.

I love talking about my characters so I'll try tempering my first response and go from there. The very basics of my main character is: Van was born into a druidic society but always had a driving curiosity to know more about how the natural world actually worked. He also gained an aversion to death and aging as he saw even the most powerful and beloved creatures and druids of the forest die due to the endless march of time. Long story short as an adult he ended up going away to learn Biomancy, an advanced form of magic that acts directly on cellular level events and entities. Van's goal is to become immortal, and to make his loved ones immortal as well.

The school he went to was in the middle of an ocean, so that's why so many of the other biomancers I have on here are aquatic races, it was about 75% aquatic races.

I have a ton more detail but that's the nutshell version of him, Immortality seeker for sure.

So definitely share your own character back! And ask anything that catches your interest, if not Van then anyone else on my page. In fact, I have a lot more to add on here eventually.

And I will go check out the Skill trick again, I did like the concept Enigma (talk) 01:50, 4 February 2018 (MST)

I see. Cool beans. My absolute favorite I've made is Xena Harlow. She has a wicked deep mythos, and a fuckload of stories I could tell, but it's late, so I'll pick something easier. For now, just know she basically discovered how to override and unmake divine energy so she could ensure mortals weren't being impacted where it was unwelcome. So, that out of the way, let's shoot a little lower.
A recent favorite of mine is Kidd Pines, or as he's actually called, Travis Walker, a Human Grey Vampire Temporal Adept.
Backstory: Under order of Fegn Xai, douchebird extraordinaire, a trust of scientists and researchers was to create a living weapon that could bind and manipulate time and space, codenamed the Cronos Project. Travis, one of the project's iterations showed promise. He was effective, but not nurtured or groomed. In fact, the lack of affection he was shown was something he adopted, acquiring sociopathic tendencies, believing sympathy to be unnecessary, because he had gotten far enough without it, and nobody around him used it.
He was damn good, a super soldier even. They used him to get good work done, being their secret weapon that anyone who acquired knowledge of got bumped off for knowing about. But he wasn't traveling through time yet. Not fast enough. They took his eyes, and threw him off a cliff. "Why? What was wrong? Why wasn't I good enough?" He strove to be better, until he could return. Until he could fight without eyes, and kill even better than before, without his hands. That should surely win back the good graces of his family, right?
He returned, hungry for a new mission. He was met only with gunfire. Hmph. Fine. So be it. He put them all down. He used the on-site facility to look into their activities. They had already moved on, and his successor had killed the all the key researchers. All but one...the one who planted the seed for him to do so. Fascinating. It was HE who rejected THEM. Was he really THAT powerful? Better than him? But now, his family was gone. He needed direction. He thought and thought...and couldn't think of anything.
He tried going into town, living normally. Why work at a cause you don't have? He might even find some to do. But people let him down. Again. On a daily basis. Such weakness and foolishness pouring out of the walls. Combined with his previous training and instincts, this fostered a sadistic streak. He started taking wetwork, killing just for the rush. Yes, this would do. Fun. He'd fight for fun. To hell with everyone else, other people have only ever made him cringe. From now on, everything he did, he did for himself.
Weaponry: He actually typically fights, using only his feet, while handcuffed. When the cuffs come off, he punches people. And it HURTS.
Summary: It's within him to do good, but it's buried deep. He has a might makes right philosophy, respecting anyone willing and capable to take what they want. He also behaves in this way, always striving to improve, for he believes capability and willpower are the measure of a man, and he aims to be the best. Kinda like Dio from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. He does hate gross injustice, but he typically won't go out of his way to defend the helpless unless they were stripped of the ability to act. What good is someone to even themselves if they don't have the will to take initiative?
Appearance: Short, dark red hair. His eyes were once a similar color. He typically wears a casual outfit, drab, reddish sweatpants and jacket over a white T-shirt. He also grins a lot, and is a master of the rape face.
I had a lot of that written down, and I have some other details if you'd like, including a little exchange I used to demonstrate his character. There are even some things strewn about the Wiki that he was the cause of. He's growing on me more with the passage of time, because he almost feels like a villain, but he doesn't have any evil plot or plan to take over the world. He just gambles about, doing whatever strikes him, living somewhere between the moment and the long game. Guess you could call enigma. *ba dum tiss* -SecondDeath777 06:32, 4 February 2018

Sounds cool. I'd check out the additional details/exchange Enigma (talk) 11:25, 4 February 2018 (MST)

Alright. Prepare yourself, this is...something. Keep in mind, this is not the beginning of the conversation.
Bertrand: I control my servants through-
Pines: Fear?
Bertrand: But of course. The path to power can only be forged when the masses learn their place. If they understand they cannot rebel, they will not rebel.
Pines: Not most, sure. But that invites weakness. Why do you work for me if you could not do a sufficient job in my stead? I know I wouldn't bow to myself, or anyone, really. Fear is satisfying. It's a classic. But why is it a classic? It's old, and most agree on it. And if ANYONE could think of it, why aren't they ruling the world? I rule through a rogue's gallery of manipulations. Kindness. Mind control. Convincing them of my beliefs. If you're truly worth fighting for, why not prove it? The difference between you and I is that your servants believe they are fighting for you. Mine believe they are fighting for themselves. And you don't scam yourself. You don't conspire against yourself. You don't dream of one day taking yourself down. No. You serve yourself above all, with or without your willingness to admit it. If I can guide someone to a path that gives us both peace of mind, then no further manipulations or scare tactics need be employed. My work is done. You have guile, confidence, and competence. But mere competence wanes and crumbles before efficiency. Guile crumbles before will, and confidence crumbles before the reality that you're not the biggest animal in the room. But I will give you credit. Fear is a fun tool. You'll notice I'm looking to elicit it because I just gave you an unbroken stream of complete honesty. Because you don't need propaganda or the touch of artifice to create panic. In a world like this, people have nightmares about the reality they run from. Truth is horrifying...isn't it?
Pines: Drink it in. The knowledge that you've been doing this wrong for decades. That you can't go back now. That you've been bested by a child who just devalued everything you've ever worked for with a few dozen sentences and that same, unwavering smile that's been creeping you out since he started talking. Who knows that you were thinking that. Who could know so much more about you. What else does he know, Bertrand? What else does he know?
Bertrand: Security!
Pines: Shhh. No one can hear us. Which works to your advantage, actually. You wanna know why? Blacklight. Silo 34. Project Orion. The Cardinal. Talos Omega.
Bertrand: Stop it! Just tell me what you want!
Pines: Oh? What I want? That's a new one, coming from you. If you cared a single sod about what anyone else'd still have Amy. Wouldn't you, Joseph?
Bertrand: How did you-?!
Pines: *low, sadistic chuckle* Play with her, Joey. Won't you go and play with her? She always looks so sad.
Bertrand: You shut the fuck up!
Pines: Why won't she wake up, Joey? Why is the tub so red?
Bertrand: I SWEAR TO GOD, KID!
Pines: It's because you failed her, Joey. Because you are weak. Weak. Weak. Weak. WEAK. WEAK. WEAK. WEAK!!!
Bertrand: FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!! *throws as wild of a punch as imaginable*
Pines: *catches his hand, slowly begins to crush it, and his face switches from calm pleasure to tranquil rage*
You're back there again. How does it feel...Joseph Willingham Brunswick? How does it feel to have no control? How does it be helpless? How does it feel to endure for minutes, what Nicole endured for months? Without a chance? Without mercy...? How does it feel to be my puppet...? Tell doesn't feel good, Joseph...*nearly breaks wristbone* DOES it?!
Bertrand: *whimpering* It doesn't...! It doesn't...
Pines: It's all perfectly fine to play your games until you discover someone else holds the strings. You can be whoever you want when it's you who makes the marionette dance, Bertrand. But when it's you who is made to waltz, Joseph, the horror...the truth...all rear their heads. And the truth, Joseph? You are nothing...but a powerless. Little. Coward. *releases hand*
Bertrand: *crying* Fuck you...! fuck you...
Pines: Nicole Angeline Werner. Her debts are paid. She will have anything she desires. Am I understood?
Bertrand: *weeping softly* ...yes.
Pines: *returns to smiling* That's good, Joey. That's very good. I hope it's not another lie, like everything else that escapes your lips. Because if I discover she so much as got an unkind look from a toll booth operator...I will show you what a broken spirit really feels like.
Bertrand: *fit of coughing* ...but why? Why her? Why so much trouble for a single sergeant?
Pines: Because this is a simple act of kindness. It's far easier to tame a lapdog than to kill hundreds of gnats, only to have to face said lapdog afterward, and defeat the point by offputing Miss Werner. I now have her trust, and the path to her freedom from your regime is, as far as she can tell, untouched by the hand of shadow. I wouldn't flatter yourself by thinking that knowing all your weaknesses is such a feat. You're not the enigma you wish you were.
Bertrand: I...I'm still processing half this shit, but...I think as much reason as you gave me to hate you...all I've got is respect.
Pines: Because the path to power is only revealed when others learn their place? Quite. Your philosophy is but one of many I can appeal to. Every creature has a leash they've built themselves. It pays when you use someone else's instead of trying to cow them with yours. See it done, "Bertrand." I won't be so gentle a second time.

There it is in full. Congrats on reading it all.

-SecondDeath777 16:03, 4 February 2018

Hey, I got through it finally haha. Just been busy with stuff, actually finished it yesterday. He is an intriguing character! I will try writing up more about Van, maybe I'll focus on his school experience since that's kind of his defining era so far. Much more so than his time as a druid child or vagabond, surely. Going through that will address all the various fishy biomancers I have strewn across my page as well. Enigma (talk) 12:45, 6 February 2018 (MST)

Looking forward to it. Glad you enjoyed. Oh, as a side note, I'd be honored if you'd draw Travis. I think a good point of reference is Karma Akabane from Assassination Classroom...but with a vertical scar over each eye, and dressed more casually.-SecondDeath777 17:36, 6 February 2018

I totally would, but these are just commissions of mine. That's why I keep specifying I 'own' them but didn't 'create' them in the permission template or whatever. They are $10 USD if you're interested Enigma (talk) 15:49, 6 February 2018 (MST)

Ah. I see. I'm dick broke though, so I guess I'm out of luck. XD -SecondDeath777 19:37, 6 February 2018

Boop, it's Information-Eiji![edit]

Reverted an edit on your Master Biomancer talk, as there's a way to negate old ratings without blanking the page, which we try not to do for historical reasons. For that reason I undid your edit, but went ahead and put those "newversion" tags to negate the ratings as I believe was your intent. Feel free to reply if you have questions over there on that Talk page, just posting it over here so you get alerted about it. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 00:57, 2 June 2018 (MDT)