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And ye, from within the belly of the Fallen Tarrasque emerged a figure draped in simple, if not ragged clothing. "Yeh must be the legendary warriors I'be hearin' about?" He murmured, bowing low and speaking in slow, methodical tones. "I s'pose I be the challenge yeh seek?"
This Character uses the Races of War Combat Options.
- Player's Handbook
- Player's Handbook II
- Unearthed Arcana
- Masters of the Wild
- Races of Stone
- Complete Champion
- Book of Exalted Deeds
Game Rule Components
Spells, Powers, Soulmelds, Stances, etc...
Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments):
Str: 18
Dex: 8
Con: 18
Int: 8
Wis: 8
Cha: 8
Race (Templates):
Dwarf- Player's Handbook
Starting Racial Traits:
Ability Scores After Racial Adjustments:
Str: 18
Dex: 8
Con: 20
Int: 8
Wis: 8
Cha: 6
ECL | Class/HD/LA | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Feats | Class Features |
Special | ||
Fort | Ref | Will | ||||||
1st | Generic Warrior1 | +1 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Iron Will, Great Fortitude | GW Bonus Feat: Lightning Reflexes | Choose Concentration, Handle Animal, Survival, Knowledge (Dungeoneering), and Heal as class skills. Put 4 ranks in Handle Animal, and Knowledge (Dungeoneering). |
2nd | GW2 | +2 | +0 | +3 | +0 | None | Improved Unarmed Attack | Put 1 more rank in Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to bring it to 5 ranks, and Jump to 3 ranks. Unarmed Strike 1d4 |
3rd | GW2/Fskr1 | +3 | +2 | +3 | +2 | Power Attack | Ability Bonus +1, Forsake Magic, Fast Healing 1 (10) Spell Resistance | Put 2 more ranks into Jump, Boosting it to 5. Put 2 ranks in Survival. |
4th | GW2/Fskr2 | +4 | +3 | +3 | +3 | None | Ability Bonus +1, Damage Reduction 3/+1, Magic Destruction | Boost Con by 1, Put 3 more Ranks in Survival, Boosting it to 5. Put one rank in Heal |
5th | GW2/Fskr3 | +5 | +4 | +7 | +4 | None | Natural Weapons (Magic), Tough Defense, Fast Healing 1 (20) | Put 4 ranks in Heal, Boosting it to 5 |
6th | GW2/Fskr4 | +6/+1 | +4 | +7 | +4 | Hard to Kill (3.5e Feat) | Ability Bonus +4/+2, Signature Weapons +2, Damage Reduction 2/-, Anti-Magic Strike 2/day | Gain +1hp/level, Balance Check instead of Reflex Save, If Stunned, you are Dazed Instead, Put 1 more rank in Survival, boosting it to 5. |
7th | GW2/Fskr5 | +7/+2 | +5 | +8 | +5 | None | Fast Healing 2, Spellfire Destruction | Our Second Con Bonus to AC. |
8th | GW2/Fskr6 | +8/+3 | +5 | +8 | +5 | None | Signature Weapons +3, Damage Reduction 3/-, Slippery Mind, Natural Weapons (Silver), Anti-Magic Strike 3/day | Boost Con by 1 Again. |
9th | GW2/Fskr7 | +9/+4 | +6 | +9 | +6 | Mage Slayer (3.5e Feat) | Ability Bonus +6/+4/+2, Mettle | It's great how your AC keeps going up. As does your health. |
10th | GW2/Fskr8 | +10/+5 | +6 | +9 | +6 | None | Signature Weapons +4, Damage Reduction 4/-, Improved Evasion, Anti-Magic Strike 4/day | Another Boost to Con, Nice. |
11th | GW2/Fskr9 | +11/+6/+1 | +7 | +10 | +7 | None | Fast Healing 3, Natural Weapons (Cold Iron) | You Do not suffer effects from Pain or Fear, You gain +3 to your Initiatie, Gain DR 5/- |
12th | GW2/Fskr10 | +12/+7/+2 | +7 | +10 | +7 | Weapon Focus (Signature Weapons) | Signature Weapons +5, Ability Bonus +8/+6/+4/+2, Damage Reduction 5/-, Anti-Magic Strike 5/day | Boost Con by an additional +1, Spell Resistance Boosted by 5 + Character Level, Damage is considered ongoing when dealing with Concentration checks by spellcasters, Creatures cannot cast defensively while threatened, Attacks ignore Deflection Bonuses to AC. |
13th | GW2/Fskr10/FoF1 | +13/+8/+3 | +9 | +12 | +7 | None | Unarmed Strike 1d8, Fast Movement, AC Bonus, Feral Trance 1/day | |
14th | GW2/Fsker10/Fof1/Dwrdn1 | +14/+9/+4 | +11 | +14 | +9 | None | Trap Sense +1, Track | |
15th | GW2/Fsker10/Fof1/Dwrdn2 | +15/+13/+11 | +12 | +15 | +10 | Blitz (3.5e Feat) | Stone Warden | And now we get our Third Bonus to AC from our Con. |
16th | GW2/Fsker10/Fof1/Dwrdn2/Jack of Swords 1 | +16/+14/+12/+10 | +14 | +17 | +10 | - | Weapon Specialization (Signature Weapons), Parry 1/round. | Immune to Fatigue and Exhaustion, Immune to Compulsion Effects, Full Defense Grants Level to AC. When creatures use Teleportation effects on you, you may choose to Teleport with them. |
17th | GW2/Fsker10/Fof1/Dwrdn2/JoS2 | +17/+15/+13/+11 | +15 | +18 | +10 | - | Greater Weapon Focus (Signature Weapons), Improved Critical (Signature Weapons) | - |
18th | GW2/Fsker10/Fof1/Dwrdn2/JoS3 | +18/+16/+14/+12 | +15 | +18 | +11 | Tough Guy (3.5e Feat) | Greater Weapon Specialization (Signature Weapons), Devastating Critical (Signature Weapons) | +d6 on Charge, lose Dex Bonus, Add BAB to Damage, but incur Attack of Opportunity, Bonus Attacks are Made at -2 rather than -5, Intimidate on hit, Full Attack is Standard Action. Natural Armor is Increased by HD/3 (Rounded Up), HP is boosted by 2/level. Gain DR 11/-, Gain Fast Healing 11 |
19th | GW2/Fsker10/Fof1/Dwrdn2/Bmstr3/Indeterminable1 | +19/+17/+15/+13 | +17 | +20 | +11 | - | Bonus Feat: Big Guy (3.5e Feat) , Unshakable 1/day | +4 Damage with all 2-handed weapons, +4 to all strength based checks, +4 to strength for the purpose of carrying equipment, Powerful Build, Improved Power Attack. |
20th | GW2/Fsker10/Fof1/Dwrdn2/Ible1/Fighter1 | +20/+18/+16/+14 | +19 | +20 | +11 | - | Bonus Feat: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Metal Plate) | Pick Yourself up a Nice Shiny Metal Plate |
Ability Scores
At the end of your journey, You should have stats like these.
Str: 25
Dex: 10
Con: 32
Int: 12
Wis: 8
Cha: 6
Equipment: Adamantine Metal Plate (3.5e Equipment)
Composite Longbow (With +6 Strength), Plus a few Quivers of Adamantine Arrows
HP: 13d12 + 2d10 + 5d8 + 220 (Con) + 20 (Great Fortitude) + 40 (Tough Guy) = 384 HP
AC: 50= 10(base)+11(Dex<Con)+ 18(Natural) +11(Untyped FoF)
Fort: 32 =18(base)+11(Con)+3(Great Fortitude)
Ref: 24 =+21(base)+0(Dex)+3(Lightning Reflexes)
Will: 25 =11(base)+11(Steadfast Determination)+3(Iron Will)
Spell Resistance: 44 = 20 (Forsaker) + 24 (Mage Slayer)
Damage Reduction:
11/- (Tough Guy)
Fast Healing 11 (Tough Guy)
Signature/Natural Weapons are Treated As:
Cold Iron
Adamantine (From Actual Material)
Attack Rolls
+20/+18/+16/+14(Base) + 6(STR) + 5(Enhancement) +2 (Greater Weapon Focus) + 2 (Combat School)= +35/+33/+31/+29
Damage (Metal Plate):All Out! (Blitz, Provokes Attacks of Opportunity, Add BAB to Damage), Greater Weapon Specialization, Powerful Build: 3d12 (19) + 20/18/16/14 + 9 (1.5 x Strength), +5 (Enhancement) + 4 (Greater Weapon Specialization) + 4 (Big Guy)= 64/62/60/58
Average DPR vs. AC 40, Greatsword
1st Attack, Power Attack for 6, Takes 10
1 * 74 =74
2nd Attack, Power Attack for 3, Takes 10
1 * 68 = 68
3rd Attack, Power Attack for 1, Takes 10
1 * 62 = 62
4th Attack, Power Attacks for 4, adds +5 to Attack Rolls (From Combat School), Takes 10
1 * 62 = 62
Average DPR: 266
This Character is on the front lines, Locking down enemy spellcasters with his Spellfire Destruction. Anyone Buffed to the point of invulnerability is subjected to his Anti-Magic Strike. After he has "Unmagicked" The Spellcasters, he will simply Stab until they stop moving. Cut off from their Mystical Support, the Front Line Fighters and Rogues will stand little chance against him. He Uses his Blitz Ability to Add his BAB to his damage, and uses his Parry Ability to Negate three of the attacks of opportunity against him. So out of the 4 attacks he makes, he can negate 3 of them. Against AC 40. He'll hit Every Time.
Munchkin-Size Me
I can't think of much more to do to this guy.
Side Notes
We're actually looking for people to help improve this build.
Well that's easy. Target his weaker defenses, IE, his Reflex Saves. Other than that, Just keep hacking away and hope you have a Really High BAB or roll a lucky 20.