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Irrational Antipathy (3.5e Flaw)

Revision as of 20:24, 2 October 2023 by PeachyFairyFox (talk | contribs) (You do not get along with a group of benevolent creatures.)
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Author: PeachyFairyFox (talk)
Date Created: 10/01/2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Irrational Antipathy

You do not get along with a particular group of benevolent creatures. Your reasons are your own but others rarely, if ever, side with you, instead viewing your treatment of others with repugnance toward you.

Prerequisite: Your extreme hatred must have a reason that is centric to your backstory. Examples include, but are not limited to, you blame the existence of these creatures for your bad lot in life due to your ancestry, or you inherited the hate from a racist upbringing, brainwashing, national propaganda, or religious indoctrination. The type of creature chosen cannot change after creation.

Effect: You may not cast beneficial nor harmless spells on members of this group.
Your mind automatically succeeds a will save to negate spells, skills and abilities from these members that would benefit you, and therefore you cannot benefit from the effects that would have resulted.
You cannot aid them and they cannot aid you.
You will not share resources nor information with them.
You will not accept quests nor gifts from them.
When you first interact with a member of this group, you may only roll intimidate for your first action.
You may not flirt with, compliment, or otherwise show social politeness, courtesy, deference, nor respect to a member of this group, regardless of any known or suspected consequences.
You will not stand within 5 ft of a member of this type, nor share any furniture, vehicle nor structure with them; You will either leave or attempt to force them to leave.
You may not ever befriend a member of this group nor take one as a cohort, follower or business partner.
In combat situations you must target a member of this group if one is among your enemies, even if it isn't advantageous.
If a member of this group is fighting on behalf of your allies, you are distracted during that battle, suffering a -4 penalty to all rolls.
You have disadvantage on any animal handling rolls made with magical beasts or other non-intelligent creatures in your chosen group.
You have disadvantage on diplomacy and sense motive checks when interacting with intelligent members of your chosen group.
Your actions toward the members of this group will have negative social impact and consequences. Other non-evil creatures will have their dispositions toward you lowered one step for each instance that they witness you doing any of the above.

Benefit: Any bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites.

Special: The creature type chosen does not count as a favoured enemy, such as with the Ranger class ability.
The hated creature type must be chosen from this list, unless a DM gives approval for an alternative:

  • Lawful Good aligned creatures
  • Good Aligned Fey
  • Followers of a specific Good Aligned Deity
  • Good Aligned Outsiders
  • Good Aligned Magical Beasts (including awakened creatures and familiars.)
  • Good Aligned Dragons

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