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Living manifestations of the Elemental Chaos, beings of raw power and ordained rebellion.
Average Height: | 5' 4"- 5'9" |
Average Weight: | 130- 215 lbs |
Ability Scores: | {{{abilities}}} |
Size: | Medium |
Speed: | 6 squares squares |
Vision: | Normal |
Languages: | Common, Primordial |
Elemental Origin: | Your soul is native to the Elemental Chaos, so you are considered an Elemental creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. |
Fan of Flames Genasi Firesoul Racial Power
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He swings his blade across the air, and a torrent of fire rushes out to meet his enemies, covering a small area with an arc of fire. | |
Encounter ✦ Fire | |
Standard Action | Close burst 3 (5 at 21st level) |
Prerequisite: You must be wielding a melee weapon | |
Target: All enemies within burst | |
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d10 + Constitution modifier Fire damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 Fire damage (save ends). | |
Miss: Half damage, and no ongoing fire damage | |
Increase damage to 2d10 + Constitution modifier Fire damage, plus ongoing 10 Fire damage at 21st level |
Feather-footed Genasi Airsoul Racial Power
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The slightest breeze carries her upwards, evading attacks from below with a swift brush of her hand. | |
Encounter | |
Move Action | Personal |
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you can fly a number of squares equal to your speed, and you can also hover in midair. | |
Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the start of your next turn. | |
Special: If you remain in the air when this power expires, you gently float down to the ground without taking any falling damage. |
Stoneshield Genasi Earthsoul Racial Power
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He pounds on the earth below, and carries a handful of dirt and rocks, carefully carving it into a natural shield. | |
Daily | |
Minor Action | Personal |
Prerequisite: You must be bloodied to use this power | |
Effect: You gain a bonus to your AC defense equal to your Constitution modifier. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter. |
Swift Current Genasi Watersoul Racial Power
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With the water currents flowing through her, she trumps the battlefield with her swift movements to get to an advantageous position. | |
Encounter | |
Move Action | Personal |
Effect: You can shift 6 squares. During that movement, you can move through enemy-occupied squares, move across liquid, and ignore difficult terrain and hazardous terrain effects. You cannot end your movement on such squares. |
Thundering Jaunt Genasi Thundersoul Racial Power
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The moment he moves, a flash of lightning follows after him, blinding or wounding all in his path. | |
Encounter ✦ Lightning | |
Standard Action | Melee |
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d8 + Dexterity modifier Lightning damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). | |
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. | |
Effect: You get a bonus to your speed equal to your Dexterity modifier. During your movement, you can make an attack against any enemy you move past. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity. | |
Increase damage to 2d8 + Dexterity modifier Lightning damage at 21st level |
Genasi Airsouls
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Nature
Thunderbound Resistance: You gain resistance to Thunder damage equal to half your character level
Feather-footed: You can use Feather-footed as an Encounter Power
Genasi Earthsouls
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Dungeoneering, +2 Endurance
Stone Roots: When forced to move by a push, pull, or slide effect, you move 1 less square as a result of that movement.
Stoneshield: You can use Stoneshield as a Daily Power
Genasi Firesouls
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Skill Bonuses: +2 Endurance, +2 Insight
Firebound Resistance: You gain resistance to Fire damage equal to half your character level
Fan of Flames: You can use Fan of Flames as an Encounter Power
Genasi Thundersouls
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Intimidate
Stormbound Resistance: You gain resistance to Lightning damage equal to half your character level
Thundering Jaunt: You can use Thundering Jaunt as an Encounter Power
Genasi Watersouls
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom
Skill Bonuses: +2 Insight, +2 Stealth
Liquid Body: If an enemy makes a critical hit against you with a melee weapon, you take half that damage.
Swift Current: You can use Swift Current as an Encounter Power
Feather-footed Genasi Airsoul Racial Power
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The slightest breeze carries her upwards, evading attacks from below with a swift brush of her hand. | |
Encounter | |
Move Action | Personal |
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you can fly a number of squares equal to your speed, and you can also hover in midair. | |
Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the start of your next turn. | |
Special: If you remain in the air when this power expires, you gently float down to the ground without taking any falling damage. |
Stoneshield Genasi Earthsoul Racial Power
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He pounds on the earth below, and carries a handful of dirt and rocks, carefully carving it into a natural shield. | |
Daily | |
Minor Action | Personal |
Prerequisite: You must be bloodied to use this power | |
Effect: You gain a bonus to your AC defense equal to your Constitution modifier. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter. |
Fan of Flames Genasi Firesoul Racial Power
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He swings his blade across the air, and a torrent of fire rushes out to meet his enemies, covering a small area with an arc of fire. | |
Encounter | |
Standard Action | Close burst 3 (5 at 21st level) |
Prerequisite: You must be wielding a melee weapon | |
Target: All enemies within burst | |
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d10 + Constitution modifier Fire damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 Fire damage (save ends). | |
Miss: Half damage, and no ongoing fire damage | |
Increase damage to 2d10 + Constitution modifier Fire damage, plus ongoing 10 Fire damage at 21st level |
Thundering Jaunt Genasi Thundersoul Racial Power
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The moment he moves, a flash of lightning follows after him, blinding or wounding all in his path. | |
Encounter | |
Standard Action | Melee |
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d8 + Dexterity modifier Lightning damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). | |
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. | |
Effect: You get a bonus to your speed equal to your Dexterity modifier. During your movement, you can make an attack against any enemy you move past. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity. | |
Increase damage to 2d8 + Dexterity modifier Lightning damage at 21st level |
Swift Current Genasi Watersoul Racial Power
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With the water currents flowing through her, she trumps the battlefield with her swift movements to get to an advantageous position. | |
Encounter | |
Move Action | Personal |
Effect: You can shift 6 squares. During that movement, you can move through enemy-occupied squares, move across liquid, and ignore difficult terrain and hazardous terrain effects. You cannot end your movement on such squares. |
Genasi are the physical manifestations of the Elemental Chaos, and their fiery nature churns within, giving them power to overcome difficult challenges. Each genasi comes from a different part of the Elemental Chaos-- Airsoul Genasi are born from the raging winds that Thundersoul Genasi also originated from; Earthsoul Genasi were forged from the very earth twisted by the various chaotic elements that swarm around the earthen halls; Firesoul Genasi are the embodiment of their malevolent flames; Watersoul Genasi are formed by the calm currents within the tormenting seas of the chaos.
Play a Genasi if you want...
- to experience the bewildering powers of the Elemental Chaos.
- to gain the knowledge of controlling and manipulating the forces of the natural world.
- To be a member of a race that favors the Fighter, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard classes.
Physical Qualities
Genasi have a basic humanoid structure, but resemble more of (editing...)
Playing a Genasi
Genasi Characteristics:
Male Names:
Female Names:
Genasi Adventurers
Three sample Genasi adventurers are described below.
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