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Guillotine (3.5e Spell)

21 bytes removed, 14:40, 22 June 2011
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Summoning an appropriately sized but always somewhat excessively large metal blade in the sky over your target, you let it fall to devastating effect in an attempt to slice your foe in twain. In addition to dealing 1d10 points of slashing or bludgeoning damage per caster level (based on your whim), the target of the spell is automatically knocked [[SRD:Prone|prone]]. While a successful [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Reflex]] save halves the damage dealt, it also avoids a worse fate. Failure on the saving throw results in the target creature being pinned under the guillotine, forcing them to make a successful [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] check (DC 10 this spell’s level 18 + your caster level) in order to recover from the prone position.
Each failed attempt to make this Strength check deals half the original damage to the target, but not struggling forces them to remain prone as long as they are stuck underneath it. Another character may attempt to move the guillotine, but their doing so also deals damage regardless of whether or not the Strength check is successful. Once its target escapes, the guillotine disappears.