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309 bytes removed, 17:09, 2 May 2018
Undo revision 289586 by Cedric (talk) not canon
'''Deities''' rule the various aspects of human existence: [[Canon:Alignment|good]] and [[Canon:Alignment|evil]], [[Canon:Alignment|law]] and [[Canon:Alignment|chaos]], life and death, knowledge and nature. Across the world, people and creatures worship a great number of varied deities. Most often these deities are worshiped among the [[Canon:Common Race|common races]], by [[Canon:Adventurer|adventurers]], and by [[Canon:Villian|villains]].
Dieties are often the most powerful creatures of Dungeons and Dragons. Each deity has a deific rank, holy symbol, portfolio or area of concern, and can grant domains to worshipers. They can also populate their realm with equipment items related to their history.
Deities and [[Canon:Cleric|clerics]] are tightly coupled, since deities grant spells to clerics. [[Canon:Paladin|Paladins]] likewise are coupled to [[Canon:Alignment|lawful good]] deities for their power.
A deity can confer an AC bonus (or curse if you're in a realm of an enemy) and +DAM modifiers (depending on the god`s STR). The amount depends on your WIS score (one of the beneficial uses of the ability) and the god`s level.
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