Template:One Class
{{One Class |name= |sorttext= |refs= |class_group= |ability= |hd= <!--type of hit die 4, 6, 8, 10, 12--> |hdNum= <!--number of hitdice per level--> |saves= |skills= |skillnum= <!--number of skills--> |weapons= |tools= |armor= |equipmentcost= <!--in gp--> |equipment= |mc_ability= <!--multiclass ability min.--> |mc_profs= |mc_armor= |mc_spellslots= |summary= |features= <!--list of features... feature one, feature two, ...--> }}
Optional Entries
|mc_channeldiv= <!--channel divinity multiclass--> |sidekick= |subclass_title=
{{One Class |name=Foo |sorttext= |refs=<ref name="fgtn.99">{{Cite Pub|Foo's Guide to Nothing|pages=99}} Licensed: [[Public Domain]].</ref> |class_group=Expert |ability=Constitution |hd=8 |hdNum=1 <!--number of hitdice per level--> |saves=Constitution, Charisma |skills=Acrobatics, Deception, Investigation (or any three Skills of your choice) |skillnum=3 <!--number of skills--> |weapons=Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons (that have the Versatile or Two-handed property) |tools=Musical Instrument |armor=Light Armor, Medium Armor |equipmentcost=100 |equipment=Dagger, Explorer's Pack, Chain Shirt, Musical Instrument (one of choice), Spear |mc_ability=As a multiclass character, you must have a score of at least 13 in the Foo’s primary ability, Constitution, to take a level in this Class or to take a level in another Class if you are already a Foo. |mc_profs=If Foo isn’t your initial Class, here are the Proficiencies you gain when you take your first Foo level: one Skill of your choice and one Musical Instrument of your choice. |mc_armor=When you gain your first Foo level, you gain Medium Armor Training |mc_spellslots=Add all your Bard levels to the appropriate levels from other Classes to determine your available Spell Slots for casting Spells, as detailed in the multiclassing rules.You prepare Spells for each of your Classes individually, referring to the Spell Slots of an individual Class to determine the number and levels of the Spells you prepare for it. |summary= |features=Fooism, Barrish, Foos Rush In, Feat, Epic Boon }}
Creating a Foo
[1] Class Group: Expert
Primary Ability: Constitution
To create a Foo, consult the following lists, which provide Hit Points, Proficiencies, and Armor Training. If you’re making a 1st-level character, also consult the “Starting Equipment” section, and if you’re using the multiclassing rules, see the “Multiclassing and the Foo” section.
Then look at the Foo table to see the Class Features you get at each level in this Class. The descriptions of those features appear in the “Foo Class Features” section.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Foo level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points per Level after 1st: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma.
Skills: Choose 3 from Acrobatics, Deception, Investigation (or any three Skills of your choice).
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons (that have the Versatile or Two-handed property)
Tools: Musical Instrument
Armor Training
Light Armor, Medium Armor
Starting Equipment
As a 1st-level character, you start with the following equipment, or you can forgo it and spend 100 GP on equipment of your choice. Dagger, Explorer's Pack, Chain Shirt, Musical Instrument (one of choice), Spear
Multiclassing and the Foo
If your group uses the multiclassing rules in the Player's Handbook, here’s what you need to know if you choose Foo as one of your Classes.
Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have a score of at least 13 in the Foo’s primary ability, Constitution, to take a level in this Class or to take a level in another Class if you are already a Foo.
Proficiencies. If Foo isn’t your initial Class, here are the Proficiencies you gain when you take your first Foo level: one Skill of your choice and one Musical Instrument of your choice.
Armor Training. When you gain your first Foo level, you gain Medium Armor Training
Spell Slots. Add all your Bard levels to the appropriate levels from other Classes to determine your available Spell Slots for casting Spells, as detailed in the multiclassing rules.You prepare Spells for each of your Classes individually, referring to the Spell Slots of an individual Class to determine the number and levels of the Spells you prepare for it.
Main Page → One D&D → Templates
- ↑ p. 99. Licensed: Public Domain.