One D&D

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 One D&D Pointer  + 


One D&D (announced 8/2022 on D&D Beyond[1] ) was the playtesting for the 2024 version of 5th edition.



Acolyte, Artisan, Charlatan, Criminal, Cultist, Entertainer, Farmer, Gladiator, Guard, Guide, Hermit, Laborer, Noble, Pilgrim, Sage, Sailor, Soldier, Urchin


Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Battle Master, Beast Master, Brawler, Champion, Circle of the Land, Circle of the Moon, Circle of the Sea, College of Dance, College of Glamour, College of Lore, College of Valor, Draconic Sorcery, Eldritch Knight, Evoker, Fiend Patron, Gloom Stalker, Hunter, Life Domain, Light Domain, Oath of Devotion, Oath of Glory, Oath of Vengeance, Oath of the Ancients, Path of the Berserker, Path of the Wild Heart, Path of the World Tree, Path of the Zealot, Swashbuckler, Thief, Trickery Domain, War Domain, Warrior of Shadow, Warrior of the Elements, Warrior of the Hand


Ardling, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Human, Orc, Tiefling

  • Children of Different Humanoid Kinds


Ability Score Improvement, Actor, Alert, Athlete, Charger, Crafter, Crossbow Expert, Defensive Duelist, Dual Wielder, Durable, Elemental Adept, Epic Boon of Combat Prowess, Epic Bood of Dimensional Travel, Epic Boon of Dimensional Travel, Epic Boon of Energy Resistance, Epic Boon of Fate, Epic Boon of Fortitude, Epic Boon of Irrestible Offense, Epic Boon of Luck, Epic Boon of the Night Spirit, Epic Boon of Peerless Aim, Epic Boon of Recovery, Epic Boon of Skill Proficiency, Epic Boon of Speed, Epic Boon of Spell Recall, Epic Boon of Truesight, Epic Boon of Undetectability, Epic Boon of the Unfettered, Fighting Style Archery, Fighting Style Defense, Fighting Style Dueling, Fighting Style Great Weapon Fighting, Fighting Style Protection, Fighting Style Two-Weapon Fighting, Grappler, Great Weapon Master, Healer, Heavily Armored, Heavy Armor Master, Inspiring Leader, Keen Mind, Lightly Armored, Lucky, Mage Slayer, Magic Initiate, Medium Armor Master, Mounted Combatant, Musician, Observant, Polearm Master... further results


Rules Glossary[edit]


Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Absorb Elements, Acid Arrow, Acid Splash, Aganazzar's Schorcher, Aid, Alarm, Alter Self, Animal Friendship, Animal Messenger, Animal Shapes, Animate Dead, Animate Objects, Anitmagic Field, Antilife Shell, Antimagic Field, Antipathy/Sympathy, Arcane Eruption, Arcane Eye, Arcane Gate, Arcane Hand, Arcane Lock, Arcane Spell, Arcane Sword, Armor of Agathys, Arms of Hadar, Ashardalon's Stride, Astral Projection, Augury, Aura of Life, Aura of Purity, Aura of Vitality, Awaken, Bane, Banishing Smite, Banishment, Bard (One)/Spell, Barkskin, Beacon of Hope, Beast Bond, Beast Sense, Bestow Curse, Black Tentacles, Blade Barrier, Blade Ward, Blade of Disaster, Bless, Blight Spell, Blinding Smite, Blindness/Deafness... further results


Battleaxe, Greataxe, Handaxe, Blowgun, Longbow, Shortbow, Greatclub, Club, Hand Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Dagger, Dart, Flail, Glaive, Halberd, Light Hammer, Maul, Warhammer, Javelin, Lance, Mace, Morningstar, Musket, Pike, Pistol, Quarterstaff, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Greatsword, Longsword, Rapier, Scimitar, Shortsword, Trident, War Pick, Whip

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. Jump up https:/ /

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