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Bananarang (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 1 April 2022
Status: Never Trust Nanners
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Price: 18301 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 10th
Aura: Moderate Fruit
Activation: Use-activated
Weight: 1

"The fop slipped. Quite a dandy gaff."

This weapon is a pleasant translucent yellow crystalline curved wing, shaped much like a flattened banana. When thrown, it sails through the air much better than a typical banana when aloft on the wind. The scent of bananas emanates faintly from it.

The bananarang is a light martial thrown weapon with a 30 foot range increment that deals 1d8 slashing damage (as sized for a Medium creature) and threatens a critical hit on a natural 20 for ×2 damage. It can also be used as a melee trip weapon. It's special enhancement deals +1d4 [Fruit] energy damage.

The bananarang is specially enchanted so that it returns right after the attack is delivered (hit or miss) when thrown, allowing characters to full attack with it, so long as these attacks are made within its first range increment. Otherwise it returns as normal for the returning enhancement.

If disarmed or dropped, the square the bananarang falls into poses an odd threat. Any creature that steps into this square or ends its turn there must make a Reflex save (DC 10+1 base enhancement) or fall prone.

This magical +1 returning crystal boomerang shouldn't exist. When detected, it shows as being of the Fruit school of magic. For the purposes of enhancing it further, it counts as a total +3 weapon (+1 base enhancement plus +1 from returning plus +1 for its special enhancement).

The bananarang is a unique item and cannot be replicated, but it can be enhanced or destroyed as normal.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor and greatberry.
Cost to Create: 9,000 gp + 301 gp (for masterwork crystal boomerang), 720 EXP, 18 days.

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