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Fell Riposte (3.5e Maneuver)

Author: T.G. Oskar (talk)
Date Created: January 21, 2013
Status: Complete
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Fell Riposte
Night Wind (Counter) [Cold]
Level: 2
Prerequisite: One Night Wind maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial

Resonating with your pain, shadows coalesce upon your attacker, chilling them to the bone.

When a creature successfully strikes you with a melee or natural weapon, you can use this maneuver to give yourself the ability to make an immediate melee touch attack. If your attack hits, your target takes 2d6 points of cold damage and 2 points of Strength damage. A Fortitude save (DC 12 + Wisdom modifier) negates the Strength damage. A creature immune to cold damage is also immune to the Strength damage; a creature vulnerable to cold damage takes an additional point of Strength damage.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

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