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System: Dungeons and Dragons 3e 
Abbreviation: — 
Author: Monte Cook and Sean K Reynolds 
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast 
Item Code: 88566 
Publication Date: 2003 
Format: Hardcover 
Page Count: 224 
ISBN-10: 0786928344
Product Blurb
Adventure in the Afterlife

The city of Manifest rests atop ruins from ancient times and far above the entrance to the land of the dead. Here, the world of the living is shared equally with the deceased, who linger in physical form before finally passing through the Veil. Whether currently living or dead, residents and visitors are assured of an enternity of action and intrigue.

Ghostwalk contains everything needed to run a stand-alone campaign in and around the city of Manifest, or to integrate it into an existing world, including:

  • Complete rules for playing ghost characters and advancing in the new eidolon and eidoloncer classes
  • New prestige classes, such as the bone collector and the ghost slayer
  • Over 70 new feats and 65 new spells, including Ghost Hand, Incorporeal Target Fighting, death armor, and ectoplasmic decay
  • Three complete adventures, four highly detailed encounter sites, and fourteen new monsters and templates

To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the DUNGEON MASTER's Guide, and the Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

Ghostwalk is a book that introduced a campaign setting for the 3rd edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game, similar to Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance. Unlike most other D&D settings, however, Ghostwalk was designed to be released as a single book which would contain all the material for the world.


The central locale for the Ghostwalk setting is a city called Manifest, a mausoleum city built atop a geological feature known as the Well of Souls which leads the spirits of the departed on to the True Afterlife. In the immediate surroundings of the city of Manifest, the ghosts of the dead may cross the barrier into the land of the living and interact with their loved ones as translucent beings forged of ectoplasm, their ghost bodies marked by whatever injuries killed them and often driven by some craving for some aspect of the living world, such as music or food. A manifested ghost may fairly easily be returned to his body by resurrection magic and so in the City of Manifest one may die a great many times and be returned to his body with no harmful side effects. The one danger in exploring the other side of death as a ghost is the Calling, an unshakable urge that overcomes ghosts at some point in their unlife that drives them to forsake the world and pass into the True Afterlife. Such a transition is permanent and marks the end of a character

While all sentient races have spirits, only the human and demihuman races (human, half-elf, half-orc, elf, gnome, dwarf, and halfling) can travel to Manifest and live again as ghosts. A great many nonhuman races are jealous of this gift, and have sought to destroy Manifest throughout its history. Several times they have succeeded, razing the city to the ground, forcing it to be rebuilt atop its own ruins. This has resulted in an underworld of forgotten catacombs, all that is left of the many cities left behind. Below these are vast natural caverns and tunnels that increase in size and complexity surrounding the Well of Souls. All of these are filled with all manner of monsters and villains, but also treasures lost. Hence Manifest is home to adventurers as well as mourners and the dead

Of the enemies of the City of Manifest, perhaps the most persistent are the Yuan-ti, snake people who long for power and immortality and thus hate everything the city stands for.

Chapter summaryEdit

Introduction: Includes information on the campaign options and the general concept of Ghostwalk and the city of Manifest itself.

  1. All About Ghosts.: Contains information on the nature of Ghosts presented in the book as well as their characteristics and powers. The two ghost classes are introduced: The Eidolon and Eidoloncer as well as several prestige classes involving ghosts. New Skills and Feats are also introduced as well as new equipment, spells and magical items.
  2. The City of Manifest Has information on the City itself as well as its history and new gods unique to the setting. Information on adventures and the city's lay out and workings is also provided.
  3. The Ghostwalk Campaign: Provides information on how to run adventures in the setting as well as themes and enemies often encountered.
  4. Countries: Documents countries that exist around the city of Manifest and their relationship to the city.
  5. Monsters : Contains several new monsters for use in the campaign:
    • Artaaglith (Demon)
    • Bonesinger (Template)
    • Dread Ram
    • Ectoplasmic Vermin
    • Fire Spectre
    • Ghost (Template)
    • Ghosteater
    • Monstrous Vampire (Template)
    • Mumia (Template)
    • Necroplasm
    • Spectral Seed
    • Spirit Tree
    • Undead Martyr
    • Yuan-Ti (Template)
  6. Adventures : Contains seven adventures to get started in the city of Manifest that range from level one to twelve.

Publication historyEdit

Ghostwalk was published in June 2003, and was written by Monte Cook and Sean K. Reynolds.


External linksEdit